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Hey everyone! Sorry to come out now with news that are both bad and late, but I wanted to make absolutely sure of the situation at hand before I shared something so concerning.

As the title says, I haven't heard from Kalal in exactly three months. I've been constantly messaging him to make sure he was alright, but I haven't gotten a response yet. He hasn't even uploaded the last page of chapter 2 of A Quirky Night on his profile, nor has he posted anything on his Twitter or Patreon page during this period. This to me suggests that he hasn't quietly quit this project: he has instead completely disappeared from the Internet.

Last time we spoke, he said to me that he was going through a very busy time, with a lot of stuff (both good and bad) taking up a majority of his time. It's not impossible that this is the reason for his absence, although it feels strange that he wouldn't be able to find the time to answer a Discord message or post a short tweet in three whole months.

If any of you has information regarding his whereabouts, please let me know.

Now, what does this mean for the future of A Quirky Night?

Well, first and foremost, there naturally hasn't been much progress during this time. I have worked a bit on the storyboard, but with no promise that Kalal may return I decided it would be more productive to think about other projects for the time being.

More importantly though, is A Quirky Night over?

As far as I'm concerned, no. I am still passionate about the project and I do want to see it through to the end; I am willing to wait however long it takes for Kalal to come back.

That said, Kalal may not want to keep working on A Quirky Night, or he might not be able to anymore; even in the case he is completely fine (which I very much hope is the case), when we last spoke he did mention some very significant changes going on in his life, so I cannot rule out the possibility that his contribution to the project may be over.

Even if he was to return, there is simply no telling how long that would take; I am willing to wait even multiple years if needed, as I have other projects to keep me busy and I'm not in a rush to see A Quirky Night finished.

However, I cannot demand that all of you do the same.

If this situation continues, I am willing to find a replacement artist to work together on the third and final chapter of A Quirky Night. I don't like the idea of having a completely different artstyle for the third chapter, but if that's the only way to finish the story, I will do it: I don't want our readers to be left with an unfinished story for potentially years on end, especially not when the reception and hype surrounding the Anne's and David's story has been so incredible.

That is all I have for now. Let me know what you think of the option of looking for another artist to complete the third chapter. If I have any news regarding Kalal (both his well-being and his willingness to resume working on A Quirky Night), I will let you know as soon as I can.

I'm sorry if reading this has ruined your day, and I hope things can turn out for the best in the end, one way or another.

Take care!



Jared Delgado

I do not think it has to be a different artstyle; if anything, you can get someone who is familiar with the nuances of Horikoshi's style, and then reasonably take it from there. As for Kalal, we wish that whatever is taking them away from the project isn't anything that jeopardizes their or their family's health. Also, I do feel that multiple years is a bit too optimistic, as the hype would probably take a critical nosedive by then. I'm not rushing you, just some of my objective assessments.


Finding an artist who, like Kalal, has a style similar to Horikoshi's, would be the best option. But it's not a guarantee that an artist who can replicate his style and also be willing to work on a fetish story like this one exists. Regardless, I will try to find them if Kalal keeps his radio silence for another few months. I don't want to keep people waiting for that long.