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Hey, everyone! I hope you're enjoying your holidays.

I know I haven't given you folks any news lately, and with the fact that I use Patreon to only post my comic projects you haven't had any content to sink your teeth in since the last page of AQN.

I just wanted to drop a quick update to tell you that I am currently working on another project! For now, I can't really reveal anything else, but I plan to drop a few more details before Christmas.

And that's it, really. I felt bad for leaving you Patreon folks without any news for a long time, given how you're the people who are actually making these projects possible! So, I decided to give you a little update to let you know that I'm not dead and I haven't forgotten about you.

Things will probably become a little more lively come Christmas, thanks to the aforementioned new project. So, stay tuned for that!

Happy holidays, everyone!



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