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If the special night with your special someone doesn't include lifting, you're doing it wrong.

There. I said it.



Jared Delgado

I want to talk about this story so far. It'll be somewhat long, so stay with me. Aside from the fetish aspects of this story, I love how it addresses some superpowers that have power perversion potential, along with any consequences of such powers. And this relationship began because David, who was shown to have a thing for curvy and/or plump women (I'm aware it's more the expansion aspect of it), seriously pursued a relationship with Anne at her lowest, not expecting much from it, and her not even being the curvy/plump woman of his dreams. And I love that; the fact that anyone can have preferences, yet not let those preferences be the decisive factor for the relationship, only a bonus in the best case scenario. And when Anne opened up to David about her rough history with her a-hole ex, he quickly consoled her, even trying to find what he could reasonably do for her; he may have thought that he needed to drop his fetishes if it means that she won't have to relive those traumatic experiences of the last relationship. Also, a humorous one, like, why did David thought that the Sin Bin was even a good folder to hide such things. One always goes by this rule: if you're hiding something in your computer, make at as inconspicuous as possible. The fact the he used rhyme words made it conspicuous, and yes, to be fair, it's not like he was expecting someone else to access his desktop.


I'm very glad you liked it, and I'm even more glad that you picked up on some of the smaller details. Perhaps the thing I like the most about Quirks as a power system is how, by virtue of the fact that they're with you since childhood, they effect your development and the way you see yourself. I find the idea fascinating and I always try to incorporate it in my MHA OCs, regardless of whether I do it with fetish content or not. For David and Anne's relationship, I don't like writing couples that are together due to shallow reasons. I want to craft characters with true, deep relationships, which I think is why a lot of our followers found David and Anne to be such a wholesome pairing: the landscape of relationships in erotic stories is usually more concerned with surface level stuff because the stories themselves are shallow. For a related reason, I don't like sacrificing character for the sake of turn-ons: very often with these kinds of fetishes the victims are put through distressing, life-altering transformations and the reader is only given a "it's fine, they love it, don't worry about it" to quiet their conscience. I don't like it. I think it sends the wrong message to say that your tastes come before those of others, that your fantasy is more important than the well-being of other people, even if those people are fictional. It doesn't sit well with me to write a message of this kind. Lastly, the Sin Bin was a bit of a joke on the fact that David simply found the name funny. He never expected anyone to look into his pc, so he didn't concern himself with conspicuous names. Thank you so much for the feedback, seeing people that enjoy my stories to this degree never fails to make me smile! And I am very happy that you picked up on some of the smaller details instead of simply enjoying the wholesome hotness. I don't have anything against viewers that are here just because of this reason, but people like you are the "target audience" I have always wanted to reach!