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WOOO thats it! I feel very accomplished! XD

The first page's file has this exact date on it two years ago! I can't believe this one took so long to make! for comparison, the 111 pages of skinnydip took 1.5 years. but I think its because of the somewhat larger pages, exclusives and breaks X)

you can find the whole comic over here: Drive Link

- next up -

at the end of this month I will do an exclusive, and I have some time to mess around and draw whatever I'd like.

I also feel like spending some time on cleaning up this comic, just to fix some expressions and lighting for my own sake X) (I can't re-upload it all, but it would be nice to just have a slightly fixed version for download)

- future plans -

I feel like experimenting, and first I want to aim for 25 page comics, and 10 page exclusives. I have too many ideas, and currently I either spend way too long on a main comic, or too much energy on an exclusive that just doesn't reach it's full potential, so I'd like to meet it in the middle. 

short comics, 25 pages: when doing my exclusives I noticed that many of my ideas seem to want to be around 25 pages. on full display did multiple ideas, but each is around 25 pages long. more than 16 pages is too much for an exclusive, you just can't keep up that pace for that long, but they sorely want just 10 pages extra to form out the idea. So I am thinking; one idea per comic, what the exclusives wanted to be. It would allow me much variety, and you'd get to see more different parts of the character's lives!

exclusives, 10 page vignettes: instead of putting all my story ideas into exclusives and not having them reach full potential, I'd like to make exclusives more supplementory. little vignettes and additions to existing stories, stuff that it can be expressed in a smaller form. skipping introductions so I can get into the action right away. I don't know how well this would work, attempts at reeling in exclusives have failed so far, but it's worth a shot!

animations and single drawings: I'd love to break up my schedule for other stuff too. I have been so rigid in my schedule that I have put many things in my "can't do this til the comic is done" box. if anything, I'd love to just go wild for a while. try things out, see what sticks!

all in all, my output won't change, I don't want to work less, I just want to work more varied! X)




Congrats on another wonderful comic, funky!

Hyperman 7543

WOOO such a great comic loved it sm!!!


Thats adorable lol


It's been a wonderful journey, I started following around chapter 60 and that was nearly a year ago. Can't wait to see what's next 😁🥳

John Michael

I love this comic and I’m excited for what you do in the future! I hope these characters stick around as well 😊💜


This comic was truly so amazing start to finished! Love the work and excited to see what is next!


This was absolutely beautiful! I truly appreciate that you shared this monumental work with us ❤️


is there any plan to make a print version of this comic?


Whoo! Congrats!


Congratulations on finishing, seeing the notifications pop up every time you released a new page made my heart skip a beat :) Have you ever thought about releasing these comics in print? i'd love to have it on my shelf...

Kuroi Usagi

Congratulats and thank you, that was an amazing journey 💗


Really an all-time classic, imo :)


Congrats on finally finishing your comic. Seeing your evolution as an artist has always been a sight to behold.


I LOVE the sketches and one-off drawings. Would love to see more in the future. Congratulations on finishing this behemoth of a comic 👍

John Murray

This was a TRULY excellent comic. I'd love to see more, so work at your own pace and keep it up.

Dee Garrin

ive been a part of your patreon for the entire 2 years this comic has been cooking, genuinely feels like the end of an era goddamn


YAYYYY!!!! Amazing!!!!! 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


man I'm so glad I followed the comic from start to finish

Jey Siksa

Amazing comic you Funky Bun, I've been following since mid Skinny Dip I think. Your art, writing, and heart shine so brightly in all of your work. You combing wholesome and sex better than anyone I have seen and look forward to as much more you're willing to provide us with. Money has become tighter and it will be lessening my controbutuion, but I have no regrets in the money i have put towards you and the content is have received. Its been an honor to be your patron, an honor is doubt wanna give up. Shine on you Funky Bun Take breaks, take inspiration, take time Because we all love all that you give💕

Daniel Drew

Congratulations!! 👏👏👏👏👏 Thank you for all your hard work!! Can’t wait to see what’s next!


Congrats! What a fun, sweet story, i loved it so much!


Such an amazing comic! Well done!

Manda Gay

Congrats!!! It’s crazy to me that you’ve done this for so long!

Flech Lives

Loved every moment of this! Amazing!



Chloe McCloud

congratulations for finishing it!! this was a long one but SOOOO worth it :3

Bu Dugen

Id buy your book in a heartbeat.

Xean Drury

Wow, what an accomplishment! I like how there was a little epilogue. I love your work because it feels like I have a relationship with the story, rather than a 'one night fling'. Keep taking your time to tell the story you want to tell. Waiting is it's own reward <3


Loved seeing this comic from beginning to end, such a cute ending. I'm sure the next gonna be just as good or better even when shorter.


fantastic work as always, I liked this comic a TON uwu <3

Eric Hares

I know why I always come back to reread your stuff, great story, fitting art and the eyes for the details^^♡


You've only done the one animation if memory serves? I'd love to see more because it was fantastic, yo.


Incredible stuff, I found your work from this comic and after scouring your backlog you’ve become one of my favorite artists for erotic comics. I’m very excited to see what you do in the future!

Evinta the fox

Congrats !! 💖 I discovered your work with this comic 6 months ago and I just fell in love with your art style and your caracters, as a transfem and a therian I can't express how much it apeals to me hehe tysm for your work ! 🦊💖


thankyou!! XD and yeah I feel it too. though I feel it more from my first few years of comics because so many new things happened, and my art quallity changed so fast. I still feel every moment of these two years X)


thankyou for the kind words and support!! I couldn't do this without your and everyone elses help! X) and always make sure your finances go first! I am in the luxurious position of having more than enough, so I'm always happy to hear people be responsible! for the good of us both X) and im looking forewards to all the new stuff I get to make >:3


yeah! 2 years on this comic and 6 years total now! in my head im still just new on the scene, and this still feels like a phase. but it seems to be sticking around! XD


yeah that sure took a while! XD I still don't know for sure how this one took half a year longer than the 111 pages of skinnydip. but if thats the pace I work at then so be it! and thankyou for the kind words!!


ohyeah XD I'd love to do printing, though I'd hate to reach out to any publisher, I'd rather people not notice my work if they dont want anything to do with it youknow XD I'm not that brazen. so for the time being, no prints


thankyou!! and ill keep doing my best! X) though whatever shape itll take


who knows! I'll just have to try it out! X) so far though I always end up going wayy overboard and including everything, this comic also was supposed to be 65 pages whoops XD but I don't know whatll happen if I dont try!


thankyouuu!! X) I am very pleased with how it turns out! but often I still gotta remind myself in writing that its not just about moving from A to B, you gotta add the eye for detail! >:3


I've done a few, it's all tiny stuff. photoshop is not the best for animation, but it's what I gotta work with. I did recently make some scripts to make animation go faster atleast! and I want to try it out!


thankyou thankyou!! X) I always wonder what its like for a new reader, since I have like... 700 pages of random comics and projects right now XD


huge congrats on finishing this! definitely worth all the time and effort that went into it - it shows for sure. looking forward to whatever you do next!

Bu Dugen

I work in a Walgreens but there are limits on my power in the photo lab. The thing that I wanted was the rose reindeer outfit but her tail was going to be cut off. I was going to make a giant banner for Christmas decoration.


Love this whole comic start to finish!! The style and theme's are always 10/10.


God, 95 pages. I don't know how you manage the volume of work you do, but it is absolutely stellar. Both art and writing, you absolutely kill it on every page. Plus the extra inbetween content?? Incredible work, Funky 👍


Omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg such a cute end >:3 def super super enjoyed following along to this one, just so so so so so many levels of energizing and hornt and like seriously a refresher of a comic >:3 and yeh, if you ever plan on making a physical release of this, 10000000000000000% would line up to grab one (or more >:3)