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super spoilers!

thats the end! I made it!!! 20 new pages! wew that was a busy 2 weeks! and mygod was it worth it! this ending is my fav XD I got to put everything in it that I wanted to! every little bit!

now all that remains is coloring each and every one of these. X)
the dialogue in these is not final! and if you find typos or things you would like to have rephrased, feel free to make a comment with edits X) as long as you can keep it in one comment!

you can find the the rest of the earlier comic sketches also on the drive: Drive Link



Mr Poopy

wholesome ending!! so beautiful. love me some shy boys ❤️❤️ i-i... lov e you baka


I loved this comic so much ;///;


I didn't actually detect any interest between Martin and Adam. I thought Martin might have a crush on Sophie but was awkward with sex in general.