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trucking along! the comic feels like its going so fast now that I can just chain page after page X)

next page is on tuesday!

you can find the whole comic over here for easier reading: Drive Link 

and also thank you all for finding errors in my work X) while they are all still on patreon and not yet other sites, they are very easy for me to still edit




“Guys give up? Or you thirsty for more?”


oh wow it's happening. if this goes where i think it goes it might become my favorite comic. so glad i subscribed, funkybun your comics are absolutely gorgeous and incredible, thank you so much for your work!


Rose just dove into the deep end now. Super curious how this plays out.


So this comic feels like it speaks to me on a spiritual level


Calling it that this is going to end with Martin, Alex, and Rose all finishing at the same time, with Rose jerking off the other two while either Zoe or Veronica (or Sophie, but I'd really love to have one of the other girls get some hands-on time) take care of Rose.


This is so cute and heart pounding 💓