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I'm not ded! still having a fun break. spent most of my time sewing a plush, fixing up the house and doing some unrelated art. but I have made this funky art too! enjoy!

so far i've been doing good! I have lost 2kg and mostly got my diet back on track. theres been bouts of 30c weather where its just impossible to do things, I am very glad to have a break rather than power through that XD 

I will most likely be back with more art before the break is over! have a good one!




Omg … so many giraffes on the doodle sheet^^


a lot of these are chat members or friends XD giraffe is one of my moderators. his character is just very easy and fun to draw


that doodlesheet is so much fun to scroll around on 😁 also good to hear from you! keep enjoying your break!


Glad to see you’re alive! It’s been 40c+ where I am so I totally get it


I love the doodlesheeet so much!! Super expressive cartoons, I can't get enough of them...


Your character work feels so casually sensual - it feels like you can just reach out and feel folks, and things just feel fun. I love it so much <3

Eric Hares

30C° aren't cold^^ Have a great day ^^

Daniel Drew

Woooo! Glad you’re having a good break! Ooo the doodle sheet is awesome!

Silver Sheilds

Hey, I don’t know if this is on my end or yours, but I’ve tried viewing past the tenth image and I’ve gotten an error code from Patreon.


Ah the 11th image is the giant doodle sheet, others can see it, so it might just be device or app related