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  • I will turn off patreon payments for two months to have a break.
  • I will still produce some art whenever I feel like it.
  • I am fully back with "on full display" in august, and the next exclusive is in september.

long version: I am out of energy! though still in high spirits! XD I still want to do art to relax, but not as a job for a bit. and all you generous patrons provides me with enough cash to be comfortable turning off patreon for a while.  

I wanted to hold this longer break after I finished on full display. because I really dislike putting that in hiatus again. but the comic continues for 25+ pages. and today I ran into the same wall I did last month during the exclusive.

I've noticed I crave energydrink and fast callories when I need energy. this is not only unhealthy, but also it is only an illusion of energy. do this long enough and you'll end up like I am now; unable to do much, and constantly craving more just to keep going barely at a snalespace. I need a proper reset, which is why I chose for two months to get my diet back in order with some callorie trackers, and get my energy back.

I hope I dont squander the goodwill by taking a break, I understand the frustrations of hiatus. also I know some of you are so much onboard that you wanna pay me for my breaks, or try and force me to stop making art while on break XD Just for my own consciousness I need to turn off payments. And for my own sanity, I cannot stop doing art. (money=performance stress, impulsive art=an outlet)

small side tangent; oddly enough patreon now changed how the "pause patreon" works, so that I cannot get new patrons while I am away? instead of doing the logical thing of just letting them pay and giving those patrons a free month when I return.

I will still try and complete page 64 of onfulldisplay when I can. just not today like I had planned.



Take all the time you need

Jack Tennison

What if you change the cost of all tiers to either free or $1 then have a separate $5ish tier for people who want to continue to contribute? Then when you're off your break you change the tiers back? That way new people can still join and the people who want to support you will have a way to do that


Take all the time you need, you worked hard for it! As for squandering the good will, think nothing of it. You are one of the few patreons that actually turn off the billing when you go on break. Very few do that and is much appreciated. That said, I agree with Jack Tennison, is there some way you could enable a specific tier to keep supporting you or maybe a kofi? I love the art you do and would love to keep supporting you!


Take as long as you need

Daniel Drew

Have a wonderful break!! Much deserved! : ) thank you for all your hard work!! 💛💛🙌👏


Rest easy baller, you deserve it


Take care of yourself, and hope you get to feeling better physically and mentally! (Ps, I don’t know how long I’ve been a patron of yours, but I gotta say I don’t regret any of it and your drawings really are the best :3 )


Mental and physical health is important above all, have a good break and re-download Pokémon go, let the addiction start again 😂


Enjoy your break. You deserve it. Won't get awesome stuff with you croaking on us too early.

Matty B

Get rested! Your art is a treasure. I bug you about this but is there a path to printing your work?


I hope you can get back on track. You draw already super fast! So many comic pages with the exclusives. Its nuts.


Please get better!!! I have had that same craving before and recognizing that it's unhealthy and acting on it is super cool. Hope when you're back you feel better than ever!!!!


i love ur work and i would happily keep paying 3$ a month through your break <3 i get if u would rather put everything on hold, take care of yourself

Eric Hares

Have a nice time during the two months and I hope you feel relaxed afterwards 😊