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going surprisingly well! I am looking into some more style changes for panels, especially with nude stuff comming up. so the bottom right panel is slightly color shifted here already X) also since last page I darkened all the wordbubbles in all pages, you can see them all over here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1uVFiq98WpXwCSW7EKwu3l4_t0T7iTmuJ

though I am a little behind on sketching right now, couldn't get 4 done wednesday, my schedule of 2 pages a week is probably a bit too tight to keep up the entire time. but we will see.

anyway, in the meantime, have a good weekend everyone! enjoy some animal crossing etc etc.




Ooh, this is starting to get good~


Always hated and anticipated this when I was a kid. Always ended up with me borrowing an oversized suit though. You're getting really great at adding in all that detail. Such a different pace and story from Café.