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quick! have a poll about what I should draw! have my entire idea pile, so I can draw it next week.

here is a quick reference for who the characters are;

Clara btw is not from any comic, but is sorta my pet character to do fun stuff with, I always draw her both with and without peen.

I also left out the skinny dip crew for now, because we gotta know them first still



Your ideas are all great! Not easy to choose xD


I'm really curious about the snake in clothes one but it's not winning lol


well you know when you are at a friends house and they have like a pet snake so you can hold it in your hands right, but then it starts seeking warmth and crawls into your sleeve and before you know it its crawling through all the right places and takes a peek out your bottoms, pulling your pants partially down. thats the idea >:3