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and with that I finally managed to write and draw this comic page X) 2 very long days for me as I was stuck on how to show this page without it becoming 2 to 3 pages.  but my, do I like this page now >:3 and I have good plans for the next ones as well.

that being said, next up will be a week of writing comic pages, because I completely ran out of my backlog.

have a good weekend everyone!




I had to scroll back up to see if Emil's dick was dangling into the second panel. It wasn't, but I laughed anyway.

Lord Chaos

Love how this is going.


Will you be doing a vote on what happens next?


This is the best page ever (so far)! I don't know if I'm more jealous of Emil for getting undressed by Lily in front of others, or Lily for getting to undress Emil in front of others. This is the perfect blend of exhibitionism, voyeurism, and enf all rolled into the cutest fucking art style the furry fandom's ever seen. I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it!


Fish nets :D


I think I have a crush on Emil.


If I may offer a small suggestion: draw the blush on the character's cheeks before drawing the glasses. Otherwise the glasses end up red.


there is atleast 1 or 2 pages before I can branch off again, I hope to be making a vote for it then. I do require some extra writing on my part as my original written plan kinda fell appart in making it. what happened was: in my plan this page was something like page 13, but it was impossible to make the story move that fast but yeah, next week I will focus on writing, an I hope to make a vote too if I can :3


yes! thankyouu XD I am really happy with this one, thankyou thankyou thankyou


ah yeah true XD adding the red is like the last thing I do, I should change it up a little


Omigosh I love this page! The commentary is great too!


Oh man, to be stripped like that in public and made to serve people nude is so awesome. Great comic page. I love the progression of panels. Bookending the top with the little clothing he was wearing, then stretching him out lengthwise in the second row was inspired. (I love Cass's tent.) The last panel doesn't look like it was easy, but having everyone look at the viewer, putting them in Emil's place, so good. Thank you!