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I wanted to see if I could do a drawing in vector art possibly for use in body pillow printing, because vector art means infinite resolution! and yes I can do it, but I wont do it again XD its wayy too slow. anyway, if you want to use it for printing a body pillow I wont stop you ;3 super high res 40mb version in the attachments below




Why draw in vector? I made several Dali designs that are printed in webstores and never used vectors


I just wanted to see if I could do it XD my last job was mostly vector art, so I still have the speed, and I see other artists use it. I just wanted to know what it would look like if you upscale a vector art drawing. because it can go infinite resolution X) otherwise you have to start drawing in like 10k and my computer does not like that


Did she always have so big nipples? Super sexy stuff. Love the bulge :3


she did in her original design! but I keep forgetting design details every time XD so its mostly just whatever I feel like at the time :3


Oh my gooossshhhh she's so cute!!! ♥️♥️♥️


Whoa, those are some form-fitting shorts--you can see everything! :) Would it be possible to share the vector file?


uh sure! I will work on making the file a little more managable XD currently its 500mb, but I think I can slim it down


Super easy way of doing this again is just to draw the image in Photoshop, export it as a (somewhat large) .jpg and drag it into Illustrator (.png will not work!). Make sure it's selected and go to "Image Trace" which should be in the QuickLinks panel and select "16 Colors." It essentially just follows the lines of each different color (or up to 16 of them) and converts it all to vector. Then click "Expand" which should be next to the Image Trace button and you can then adjust each path if necessary. I just tried it with the second picture of Rose and it worked beautifully!


I should probably have used illustrator yes. but I remember working with it XD and its similar to photoshop but with all the shortcuts mixed around making it a real big pain to use as someone who uses the entire keyboard of keys for shortcuts. also your method has one flaw, the image can be traced after its already done. but thankyou for the suggestions! I will definitely look into using illustrator if I plan to do something like this again


Thanks. Good choice with the wink and tongue. Very cute. Thank you for sharing.


I mean, she looks so good to snuggle up to~


Maybe make another side for it so you can make a full dakimakura to sell. Also amazing pictures. I wish I had a dakimakura with that on it.