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Happy new year! I am working some things:

Patreon tiers are updated;
1$ or more gives you access to all completed art 1 week early + general votes
3$ or more gives you access to all WIP images and comics + comic votes
5$ or more gives you access to PSD’s and one image a month (an extra comic panel)

I have a monthly schedule;
Sketches and the game are now scheduled in.
Comic sketches will look less refined and will be released in bundles.

I will work on finishing everything I have right now, and then get back to a main comic.

-Long version-
My entire business model was set up February last year. It worked great, I had a fantastic year! You people are really generous and I thank you all! But now that the year is over I had a look at it, and I feel I need to tweak it. My income plateaued 5 months in, before it became viable to live off.  My art pipeline was really inefficient in order to keep the same artstyle throughout. The schedule consisted of “comics Wednesday to Friday.. And then do the rest”. And I felt like I did too little with the Patreon tiers.

This is what I changed:
- 1$ will now get you all completed art a week in advance of every other place. Because comics will not be released on other sites on the same day as Patreon anymore. you can expect Images on wednesdays and comics on fridays.

- 3$ will get you all sketches and early WIP comics plus their corresponding votes. the art pipeline for comics has changed, so the comic sketches will look less detailed but will come in bundles with a vote. this change frees up a day a week which I will use for sketches. Expect more regular sketches on Wednesdays, and possibly votes for drawings.

- 5$ will get you a PSD round up once a month, like I have been doing. but in addition you will get access to one exclusive image at the end of the month. These will be like extra comic panels for the comic that is active at that moment.

I also scheduled in time for the game. if and when thats ready I will make a public build and do more casual updates under the 5$ tier.

for those who are interested in my amazing scheduling skills:

Again thank you all for the amazing 2018! I couldnt have asked for more. lets hope 2019 is filled with sexy sexy escapades >:3 <3


Stoker Bramwell

Does this mean there's not going to be a $10 tier anymore?


oh no, I havent written down the 10$ tier because it is just there for the charity. I feel like its so far out of reach for most people that its unfair to gate anything away under that tier.


Ahh, what the heck. I have been toying with increasing it anyway, now I am number 42. The answer to life, the universe and everything =3 Hope things keep going well for you Funky.


May i ask i dont know but i want to make a big custom monthy pledge? Do i still get all of the art and extra things that come with the 5 and 10 stuff?


Sorry me again he..he sorry um when i get everything unlocked and all that do you have like your finished project comics like stacked together to look at one after another like a slideshow type?


yes sorta, theres these 3 posts, one for each tier https://www.patreon.com/funkybun?filters[tag]=google%20drive%20link they are an access to my google drive, I have to update them though, I will do that right away