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I just completed the "they wont mind" comic!! 5 pages in the last 2 weeks! 45 pages total!

thankyou all for your patience! <3 I am glad I didnt lose too many people while I was grinding away.

up next:
next week will be all different! im excited to try out a new artstyle and new ideas which I have been waiting on for a while now. I will start up a new bigger comic after a break of no comic, but with a new and improved artstyle that will take less of my time, and I will limit the length of the comic to ~20 pages. I will be posting votes about that whenever it is ready.

patreon tier update:
last time I looked at my patreon tiers was in februari, for me its about time to adjust them. currently I am thinking of making a 3 dollar tier for sketches and putting game updates in the 5$ tier whenever thats ready, and I am fully aware I might lose some patrons if I do this, but currently my growth is completely stumped. but nothing about this is set in stone yet, let me know what your thoughts are.

sketches and psd's:
I havent been doing sketches and PSD uploads since I started the grind on the comic. I will be catching up on those hopefully this weekend!

all in all I hope to give more varied content, and fun scenarios instead of one big thing like I have been doing.



Really looking forward to your future work! You're awesome at what you do!


Nice =)