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more to come! >:3 this one isnt finished



Stoker Bramwell

Hope she's somewhere VERY public


You know she is XD my plans are to add the background, but also to maybe have her lose clothes as she walks? >:3 we will have to see what I am capable off. But yeah, super public


Oooh, this is looking really awesome <3 the animations you've been doing so far are great x3 Definitely really excited to see how this one comes out, and just how public it is ;3 any ideas yet about the locale? Love the idea of her clothes coming off as she walks too x3 imagine like just being led along with your clothes loose and barely holding on, but being unable to pull them up as they start to fall, only option being to strut your stuff proudly x3


I was just planning to add people XD I dont know the locale yet. also yeass thats the idea >:3 I dont know if I can pull off the clothes thing though. I need to do some tests to see if I can loop a single section of animation


i can't wait to see more of this character ^-^ she's adrobs

Kirien Fost

D'awwww~ Such a cutie! ^w^ I'd give her all the walkies, treats and bellyrubs~<3