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Heed the content warnings!

wew a messy comic! not as wholesome, kinda rushed, very self indulgent with the kinks, but oh so good! thank you for allowing me to make this! XD

this was done in record time too for non-crunch type work. I averaged about 4 pages a week, ignoring ofcourse the month I spent on the exclusive and a vacation. you can also tell by the drop in quallity and effort, but thats exactly by design! I wanted to get this out of my system and get back to the chill comfortable comics afterwards.

I hope there's a few of you that also enjoy this! if not, you are in luck, it's time for the next project X)

I haven't decided on the next project yet, but I got some ideas. I am sitting on quite the large pile of ideas actually.

thank you for your patience and your support! and you'll see me back next week with hopefully some idea and some sketches!

you can find the whole comic over here too for easier download: Drive Link




Oh wow! That was so many things!!! 😳. That ended up being a really hot story. Love it!

Daddy Bearcat

The whole process of generating it all was pretty hot. And I don't particularly object to encountering most of the fluids shown, although milk and pee are a little 🤢. Weirdly, though, collecting them kind of takes the fun out of it for me. Cum in my mouth (or wherever), fine. But as soon as you collect it, the clinical vibe just turns me off. Not trying to say it's bad if you like it; more just trying to sort out how I feel about it. 🤔