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Phew! that took 3 full weeks wheras I was expecting it to take one.

I'm so so sorry for taking this long XD It just turned out to be so much more dense to write and draw. It's only 14 pages, but I really like how this turned out!

I'm going to have to do some analysis on how long it takes to draw a page, especially since I seem to fluctuate between drawing 7 pages a day, or like in this comic; only two. density, characters, actions, panels, dialogue, each seem to play a rather large role in how long a page takes.

Right now though I tired my brain out from forcing it to work nonstop for 3 weeks. so I'm looking forewards to next weeks chill schedule X) and tomorrow I'll make the crossdressing Emil comic public

you can find this exclusive over here for easier download : Drive Link

or find any exclusive you mightve missed over here: Exclusives folder

(also this project might not be exactly how you envisioned it when it was in the vote, but this is the idea I had in my head when I wrote down that misleading summary! XD )



Stoker Bramwell

This was so worth the wait though, *damn* 💜

Allen Robertson

Hmm maybe you should just go with stick figures with tails for the exclusives, could be faster 🤔 (jk) For real though, the wait’s not a problem when the work is this absolutely amazing! Another smashing success (pun very intended)


Oh hell yeah >:3 ngl, wasn't that sure about where that poll result was going, but this, 1000000000% fuck yeah >:3


Also, I just absolutely love the way you write characters and atmosphere >:3 like, I can feel the room and how they're being with each other, and like the sexual tension carried throughout is just at like a perfect simmer, like, the progression that eventually leads to a comfy sexy friend orgy type situation some day down the line >:3 love it


Okay but like where do I find a girl like this 🙏🙏🙏🥴


You're right, it wasn't as I envisioned with the vote, but I prefer this.


This was really well done as always! Wonderful read 💛

Draco D

First, naaah that’s was even better than what i tought xP Second Daaaamn even if i respect how much work you put in it ^^ damn… some extra pages would be welcome x) I desire a chapiter 2 >:3 (please ^^)

Daddy Bearcat

That was incredibly hot. I could go for a gamer girl like her. Or maybe Calvin, since he's going to have blue balls so bad he can't walk. I could help him out. Good work on this, as always! 🥰


Gotta love Sarah, and I'm resonating with Calvin on a spiritual level here.


This is just a tomdom with all her cucks fr

Shinya Sahaku

Would it be weird to say how much I love Calvin’s shirt.


And on that day there truly were no losers


Worth the wait!


What's more fantastical, four anthropomorphic animals or having a friend like this? Jokes aside, really good work!


ohhhhh we like calvin


Damn that so good

Marcus Heckinberry

Probably my favorite exclusive comic in a long time. Absolutely adore this group!


I love the boys huddling up to share their one collective brain cell.


Don't worry one bit about feeling like it took a lot of time!!! This is so so so so good, thank you funky!!


Another excellent addition to the archives! Time is pointless when the quality is so good!!


This was great and I love the new characters, they all seem so chill together.


Haha I love Alex, the way he just blurts it out instead of trying conceal it like Calvin is adorable. Wouldn't mind seeing some Alex and Calvin or Alex and Sarah xD


Well dang, what a good tease >:3 Also, black cat is an interesting design to take on, definitely wouldn't mind more of Cal 🐈‍⬛ And if it hasn't been done yet, I'll be the one to point out; "finally" is missing an L in pages 9 & 13 😊


Now I'm curious to know where Calvin picked up those magic finger skills!


Ohhh I love that black cat Calvin a whole lot XD