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Mason let Streak into the house after supper (and a fairly grumpy bath), and they all cuddled up on the couch and watched old movies on the settlement's digital storage system.

They ate popcorn, talked about their lives a little, but mostly just enjoyed each other's company in silent touch. It was the laziest, sexiest, best day of Mason's time in the apocalypse, and he was easily able to imagine what life with his girls could be if all the madness was over.

The idea was so wonderful he had to shut it down.

Not possible yet, and maybe not for a long time. Then he started to worry he was wasting time—that he should be out there trying to clear the corrupted trees, or find the imprisoned druid, or at least exploring more of the world and every hour and every day counted.

But he fought that down, telling himself he and the girls had earned at least one day to themselves, one day to be a family. Or whatever the hell they were.

"You look thoughtful," Haley said as she ran her hands through his increasingly long hair, his head in her lap. Rebecca was lying the other way, socked feet  dangling over his hip.

"Today has been amazing," he said. "But tomorrow I've gotta get moving. And we need a command structure. I don’t know who the hell does anything or even who to ask."

Haley frowned. "Blake didn't really do that. We've run...well, more like a corporate office. I just take messages until he gets back. Though Hank is mostly in charge of the civilians."

"Yeah, well, that ends now. Far as I'm concerned this is a military outfit, and the players are in charge of violence. So I need a second in command." He wiggled Becky's feet. "Might make sense to be you, if you're up for it."

The cowgirl frowned and blushed a little. "How about Phuong? He's ex-military and smart and knows a lot about…well, everything. He kept us alive out there, before Nassau. You can trust him."

Mason nodded, happy with that. "I'll make him and Carl equals when I'm gone. It should work out. Everyone should have a rank and a role, all this grey area nebulous bullshit is stupid, but...well, we'll figure all that out when Blake gets back." He looked up to see Haley grinning at him. "What?"

"This suits you, you know."

"What does?"

"Being in charge."

He sat up and sighed. "No it doesn't. I hate it."

Haley laughed and rubbed her feet on Rebecca's in his lap. "Doesn't mean you're not good at it. I think Blake will agree when he gets back."

He growled and grabbed them both, pulling them over until he had both girls sitting towards him, legs spread over his knees.

"I think I'm going to punish you for that." He hissed at Streak to bugger off, and the wolf growled slightly as it padded into the bedroom. "Now take off those sweaters."

They both went to pull them up over their heads, but he caught them before they had them over their faces, trapping their arms. He drew the fabric up until their mouths were out, then held them still as he took turns kissing them and sucking and squeezing their nipples. Pretty soon Becky was basically riding his leg.

"This doesn't feel like punishment," Haley said, nipples so erect they might blind him.

"You're absolutely right," he said, then tossed Haley off to the couch, lifting Becky to yank off her sweatpants then his own in two swift motions. "Now you just sit there in the corner and think about what a bad girl you are."

He spread Becky's legs and lowered her down, sliding himself inside her inch by inch as she moaned.

"Go ahead, cowgirl. Show Haley how a good girl behaves."

Haley had pulled off the sweater now and watched them with her lip in her teeth. As Becky started riding him Haley's hands moved between her legs.

"Uh huh. No touching. You just sit there and watch."

Haley groaned and twisted their blanket in her hands as Becky slid up and down Mason's shaft. She was clearly already sexually exhausted from their day inside, her cute little pussy so pink and puffy from unfamiliar abuse. But she was still obviously loving it, eyes closed as she held onto Mason's shoulders and bounced and did her best.

He grabbed her ass and helped her use her hips, showing her something like a twerking motion until he was using her pussy like a toy. She was already panting and holding her breath from the feel.

Then he licked and sucked one of her nipples, and she practically exploded. She tried to hold it in, then cried out hugged her arms around his head as her whole body shook and her juices leaked down his shaft.

"Oh God," Haley was gripping the couch with her legs spread, and Mason couldn't help but smile. He kept moving Becky until she practically went slack in his arms.

"OK. Do you think Haley deserves a turn?"

"Mmmhmm." Becky nodded into his shoulder, and he decided he would never get enough of fucking the beautiful brunette half unconscious. He slid her off and set her beside him, and Haley practically leapt into his lap.

She was sliding herself down his wet cock before he'd said a word, and he laughed as she started riding at full speed.

"This is my cock," she said as she rode. "I need it. You cruel, cruel man."

"Am I really cruel?" he whispered as he brought her lips down for a passionate kiss, hands on her ass as he helped her ride.

"No," she whimpered. "You turn me on so much. I'll do anything you ask."

His control couldn't take much more of that. The blonde French Canadian rode until sweat dripped down her body, round breasts pushed in Mason's face to suck and lick as he pleased.

The feel of her tight, wet pussy gripping him became his whole world. Becky had come forward to nibble Mason's neck and his ear, running her hand over his chest down to feel the soaked base of his cock inside Haley.

"You fuck us so good," she whispered in his ear. "Sometimes when you're gone, we just talk about what we'll do when you're back."

Then Haley was moaning and crying out, and Mason couldn't take another second. He lay his head back and let go, letting Haley ride him to completion. She started to cum but didn't slow down, crying out as she pushed through to get him off.

He exploded inside her, groaning as he felt Becky's hands massaging his balls as if to get every drop into Haley's body. The orgasm lingered and sprayed again and again as his first girl finally slowed, twitching with every pulse of his cock.

He practically growled when she eased herself off, but then both girls leaned over his lap and started licking and sucking his tender cock, as if hungry for every drop.

"You're turning into nymphs," he said, hands on his face as he fought the waves of sensitive pleasure.

"You just taste so good," Haley said between slurps. And when they both came up with satisfied faces slick from their own juices, he wasn't sure he'd seen a more glorious sight.

"OK," he said, feeling finally somewhat drained. "Now I can sleep."

* * *

The girls did their routines then joined him, then lay together in their pajamas with heads in the crooks of his arms. It had been the perfect day. He'd forgotten entirely about worrying for his brother, or leveling up to fight ever-increasing threats, or all the other likely terrible dangers of the future.

Once he'd gotten up for water, and when he came back and crawled into bed behind Becky he'd felt her ass move against him and gone instantly hard.

She made a sleepy little sigh, then without a word shuffled down and started blowing him. He'd been so surprised he just sat there and enjoyed, and when he'd finally filled her mouth she'd swallowed him with a big gulp, smiled and kissed him on the cheek, then lay back down with a happy sigh and slept.

His luck stat, he'd decided in that moment, was complete horseshit.

He wasn't sure what it should have been, but there was no chance that a score of seven could possibly result in his current circumstance. Had what he'd faced in this new world truly been so horrific to deserve these two amazing women in his bed?

The thought and answer sent a shiver down his spine. He felt some dark threat pressing in, some terrible misfortune just waiting to destroy him and any chance at happiness.

He hated that feeling—what Blake called his 'paranoia', no doubt formed from being abandoned so young. It wasn't 'real', he knew that, and yet that feeling of impending doom had protected him more times than he could count—warned him of bad friends and girlfriends and teachers, circumstances full of youthful stupidity and danger. He couldn’t just ignore it.

He woke before the dawn, filled with a restless energy that he knew wouldn't be satisfied by women no matter how beautiful and dedicated. Neither Haley nor Rebecca made so much as a groan as he got up, and he took a moment to watch them sleep and smile.

They deserved everything he could give them—every second of his attention and strength out there making Nassau ready for what was to come. Making himself ready.

Before he dressed he looked at the system's 'tablet', suddenly determined to use and actually figure the damn thing out. He eventually found what he was looking for—a kind of 'drawing pad' with all kinds of options. He set to work until the sun had risen a little, then stood and dressed.

"Streak," he called as he picked up his bow, then walked out. The wolf clearly sensed his energy and scrambled after, ears down and eyes clear in seconds as he panted and followed.

He wanted to talk to Phuong first. Out of curiosity more than anything he pulled up Wayfinder and smiled as he looked at Nassau. There was a new Patron 'tab' that as he opened it, showed him every person with a contract as a blip on his map. He found the old man lying beneath the same huge tree he'd rested under those many hours before. Except there was a young woman lying beside him...

"Master Mason," he said as he sat up and crossed his legs. "I've just been watching the stars. They are the same, you know, or at least close enough to fool me."

Mason flicked his eyes to the girl and back and grinned.

"Oh. Yes." Phuong looked a bit embarrassed and opened his mouth once before he spoke. "She's from Laos, originally. I lived there for many years. We got to talking and...well, she's less than half my age. It's all a little silly, but..."

"You won't hear a word from me. But if you're feeling too tired I might go and ask..."

"I'm not infirm," Phuong snapped, than stood up and glared before it softened at Mason's grin. "You're a cheeky young man, Master Mason. Very cheeky."

"Send your woman off, then meet me at the gate with a travel bag. We're going to go clear a dungeon."

Phuong's eyes practically flared with an eagerness that matched Mason's mood, and he knew he'd made the right choice. He found Alex already awake, too, sitting on a bench with his own tablet.

"What are you reading?" Mason said as he approached.

The Belarussian looked up with his usual complete lack of expression.

"Russian poetry."

Mason had absolutely no idea if this was a joke.

"Well, if you'd like a little more excitement—Phuong and I are going to go clear a dungeon. Feel like keeping us alive? As a bonus, we're going to go wake up Carl. Rudely if we feel like it."

Alex glanced up at the morning sky as if considering, then stood with a nod, and absolutely no discernible expression. Mason supposed that was that.

Together they walked to the house Carl and Silvie had claimed, and Mason was about to knock before he decided to look in the open window. He could see the couple in bed, and thought he could at least spare Silvie. He threw some nearby pebbles until the older man grunted and rolled to his feet, waving a knife hand until he heard Mason hiss.

"What in the name of God? Mason is that you?"

He eventually came out with a scowl and a robe.

"I need you to be in charge of the town while I go with Phuong and Alex to clear a dungeon. It's time for them to get some more experience."

Carl instantly lost his anger and nodded. "I agree. Alright, well I'll tell Silvie when she..."

"Not Silvie, Carl. You. Players are in charge of Nassau. You can take her advice. You can talk to Haley and Rebecca and Seul-ki and whoever the hell else you want. But you're in charge, what you say goes, because I'm counting on you to protect this place while I'm gone. That’s your job, first and last. Understood?"

The older man stood a little straighter and nodded, the sleep clearing from his eyes.

Mason clapped his shoulder and took out the map he'd drawn using Wayfinder.

"Good. I want you to keep things moving. Try new fishing spots, start patrolling wherever you think they make sense, look for survivors. If there's danger...use your judgment. The map's pretty detailed."

"Holy shit." Carl took it and blinked. "I'll say. How'd you do that?" Before Mason could answer he waved a hand. "Nevermind. OK, kid. I won't let you down. Er, again."

Mason smiled, knowing the man still felt guilty about Blake.

"I don't blame you, Carl. I trust you, and I know you did what you thought was right. Just get these lazy players doing something. I'll see you in a few days. I hope."

The relief on Carl’s face was obvious. "I'd say the players are fairly busy after last night, but I'll do my best," he said and grinned.

Mason snorted then left Carl to go back inside, and he and Alex went to the gate and found Phuong waiting with not one but three packs of supplies. He winked and handed two over. Streak yapped and started sniffing after them before Mason pushed him away.

"Ready to pop your cherries, gentlemen?"

They both stared at him in confusion and he sighed. "Not everything translates. Let's just go. And I hope you've been doing cardio because I'm not going less than half speed!"

"Not a problem for me!" Phuong yelled. Alex grunted in something like inevitable acceptance.

"I'm healer," he said in his thick accent, "not physical specimen like you two."

Mason laughed. "Not to worry, I can carry you. And you can speak in your native language, you know, the machine translates."

"I don't trust," Alex said, kind of already huffing as they jogged.

"To translate?"

"At all, but yes. I don't want listening."

Mason stopped and gave the man a grin. "Alex, I think we're going to get along just fine. Now move those old legs. But let me know if you feel a heart attack coming."

The Belarussian glared, then they all ran towards the orc fortress, and the nearby great tree, in silence - save for the sound of Alex's huffing.



Color me surprised that "Russian poetry" didn't have any entries in urban dictionary... thanks for the chapter!

Charles Torry

Why doesn't he take Becky with him? Didn't he promise her to spend more time with her in combat?

Edu Thomaz

I'm still trying to understand why he don't bring the low level players with him. They will levelup much faster and most dungeon seems to always be on at least 4 slots for players.