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By early evening they finally decided it was time to go back. Mason watched Becky get dressed, and when she noticed him staring she met his eyes and slowed down. She turned her back and slid her underwear up over her pert ass like a stripper, giggling as she pulled up her jeans.

“Did you enjoy the show?”

He kept on staring from his seat on a rock, and her eyes flicked to his yet again renewed erection.

“You know,” he said with a grin. “I did get you off twice…”

“Oh my God,” Rebecca looked around like someone might be watching, then put a hand to her chin. “I think my jaw is too tired from the last time. It’s kind of sore to talk.”

Mason laughed and got dressed, wrapping his arms around her when they were both fully clothed. “I’m kidding. Mostly. Unless you said yes.” She slapped his chest and he squeezed her ass. “OK. Let’s go before it gets too dark.”

He was about to call for Streak when he heard a noise near the waterfall. He listened more closely, and realized it had likely been there a little while, hidden by the sound of the water. He squinted and stared for some source of movement or  explanation, then he saw Streak by the pool staring at the same spot, ears flat and growling. Mason lifted his bow.

“What’s wrong?” Becky noticed him now and tried to look around the clearing.

“Not sure yet. But there’s something out there.”

In a rush of sudden movement, that something flew from the trees. A small, black splotch sped through the air from the waterfall, all angles and strange lines. Mason didn’t waste time inspecting further. He activated Endless Quiver, and loosed a broadhead.

The flying creature was coming straight at him, and the arrow struck and splashed a line of blood on the wet stone before the creature dropped and smashed into the ground.

Mason could see it more clearly now. Besides the size and pair of obvious claws hanging from its feet like meat hooks, the thing was basically a bat.

“Find cover,” he said, hearing the squealing, screeching sound growing from the waterfall. “Now!”

Rebecca ran to the largest rock she could find, and dark splotches began filling the sky from the waterfall, racing straight towards Mason.

As usual, he didn’t hesitate. He loosed arrow after arrow at the swarm, cursing himself for not bringing his druid staff. Any good stick would do, he’d since realized, but he didn’t see anything close. He’d have to do it the old fashioned way.

Corpse after corpse fell to the rock and water as Mason shot a volley of arrows. But there was always more.

“Keep going,” he shouted to Rebecca. “Get into the trees.”

He followed his own advice, running for the woods before using Trapmaking to throw three deadly traps into the canopy before turning to keep on shooting.

More corpses dropped like flies. A cluster hit his traps and screeched and died in a burst of splinters firing like claymores.

Two dove and reached him. He raised an arm, expecting the claws to rake over his flesh. Instead the creatures howled and smashed into a translucent blue shield.

“It’s one way!” Rebecca shouted from behind him. “Shoot the bastards!”

Mason didn’t need to be told twice. He loosed more arrows, skewering the helpless creatures one by one as they probed uselessly at whatever shield power Becky was using. He gave her a fierce grin, then looked into the clearing to see Streak was spinning and growling as the creatures dove at him.

“Shit.” Mason engaged Aspect of the Cheetah and ran forward, loosing more arrows at anything close to the wolf. “Come at me you stupid shits!” he yelled, dropping at least three more of the creatures as he advanced.

Two others finally landed blows. Their claws raked Streak’s side and back, and the young wolf growled and tried to snap at them before collapsing on his side.

Mason roared in rage and tossed his bow, forming Claw and pulling his other sword as he leaped over his fallen comrade. He held his ground as the bats kept on diving, slicing the first damn near in half with Claw, hacking off the second’s legs.

He heard Rebecca coming and knew it wouldn’t help now to tell her to just hide in the trees.

The animals nearly all turned as one, like some collective brain commanded them to kill Rebecca. Mason shouted in frustration and warning, but in a few moments at least a dozen of the creatures swooped down on the weaponless girl, and Mason’s heart lurched as he saw her torn apart in his mind.

His mind was wrong. The same translucent blue shield surrounded her entirely like a sphere. As the creatures landed and raked at it trying to get in, she closed her eyes, held out her hands, then closed them into fists.

A loud, sizzling pop filled the air. The blue shield burst like glass shattering outward, and the bats erupted in a swirling maelstrom of blood and gore. Rebecca was the only thing left alive.

[Killed Feral Bat Swarm. Experience awarded.]

Rebecca came running up panting and looked down at Streak with concerned eyes. “Is he OK?”

Mason knelt to inspect the animal’s wounds, which looked painful but superficial around its torso. Still, Streak’s leg had been torn up fairly badly, and Mason doubted if he could run or move well.

“He’ll be alright. How about you?” He stood up and checked her for wounds, and she smiled and put her hands on his. “I’m fine. It’ll take more than a few ugly bats to hurt me.”

Mason grinned, loving the girl’s courage. “I kind of forgot you’re a player.”

“Why?” She raised a brow. “Because I’m a girl?” When he didn’t manage to find any words, she laughed and kissed him fiercely on the lips. “Trust me, I like being protected.”

“I don’t mind it either,” Mason matched the grin. “Those shields of yours are pretty damn handy.”

“You should see me handle a rope,” she said, and when he raised an eyebrow she flushed.

“I mean I can rope a steer! I mean I’m a good cowgirl.

“I bet you are.”

“Oh my God.” Rebecca covered her face and Streak made a slight whine as he pawed at Mason’s leg.

“Right. Sorry buddy, we’re going.” Mason shrugged and saw no real alternative but to carry his friend. Couldn’t have been much heavier than Haley, and he’d carried her halfway across the damn forest.

“You serious?” Rebecca met his eyes. “He’s pretty damn big. You think you can take him all the way to town?”

Mason just smiled, and started running.

Rebecca followed, but was soon panting in his wake. Mason would have gone easy on her but she had to pay for that serious comment. He kept the same pace until sunset, always listening to make sure Becky was right behind. When they finally arrived at Nassau, he turned to find her completely drenched in sweat, panting like a marathon runner.

He grinned, hardly sweating or breathing hard. She shook her head with her hands on her hips.

“That…was the craziest…God damn thing…I’ve ever seen.”

“Just wait,” he turned and called over his shoulder, waving at the gate guards as he strolled inside. They took Streak straight to the infirmary, where Aila waved them towards a bed and Mason lay the whimpering wolf down.

“I know he’s not a person, and his kind uh, sort of tried to eat you, but I was hoping maybe…”

“Don’t worry,” the pretty nurse said with a wave. “I’ll look after him. Just leave him here.”

He relaxed, and Becky gave Aila a hug. “You’re the best. I’ll see you later?”

“Sure,” Aila gave her friend a sly grin. “Or not. Whatever.”

Mason pretended not to notice Rebecca’s half body flush, giving Streak a pat and a command to stay before walking back to the street.

Then suddenly he was standing with a sweat-covered Becky, their ‘date’ over and the choice of two houses to go to.

“He’s tough,” Mason said, somewhat awkwardly. “He’ll be alright.”

Rebecca nodded, and they stood in another awkward silence Mason wasn’t entirely sure how to smooth.

“Well, at least now we know I can keep up to you,” she said. “As long as you’re carrying a couple hundred pounds.”

“Imagine how long I could go with a little less,” he said, eyeing her from head to toe with a grin. But by the halfhearted  smile she gave him he knew she wasn’t coming home with him. “Can I see you tomorrow?” he said. And her relief was palpable as she smiled and rolled her eyes.

“You just saw me.”

“Am I supposed to wait an arbitrary day or something?” he stepped a little closer.

“Yes,” she put his hands on her arms and looked up at him. “Absence makes the heart grow fonder, isn’t that what they say?”

“I’m plenty fond already,” he kissed her and she moaned as she took in his tongue.

“I think that’s your dick not your heart,” she whispered.

“It’s both,” he practically growled. “Come over for breakfast tomorrow.

“How about supper?” she laughed.

“OK. I’ll come and get you.”

She bit her lip but nodded, and he wrapped her in his arms and kissed her soft lips again.

“I’m so sweaty,” she complained, like it would bother him for a second. With considerable willpower he let her go and turned towards his house.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said, and she waved shyly and lingered by the infirmary, probably to go talk to her friend.

Mason walked on, again with no idea how he was going to tell Rebecca about Haley, and how she’d handle it if he did. It occurred to him he might lose her entirely. Or she’d make him choose. Could he do that? Give up Haley? He had no idea. He honestly didn’t.



“You serious?” Haley met his eyes. Isn’t it supposed to be Rebecca

hawkshe .

Lol, I'm surprised Mason deescalated, I half expected him to respond to that "good cowgirl" comment with something about what a "good girl" she has been for him