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Surreality met weird reality as Mason led the elves to the gates of Nassau.  

He glanced back at the human-ish creatures forming up behind him, looking up at the walls and treetops sticking up from inside with wonder. They'd impressed him during the journey. Only a handful of players could have gone as far and as quickly to keep up. 

He could see the relief and excitement on their faces, the realization that after however long and dangerous their experience, they were finally going to be safe. But they were also all going to have to start dealing with the practical realities of living here together. With humans. 

"This is Nassau," Mason called, feeling like some kind of...speech was expected. Of course he hated speeches and had no idea what to say. But he looked at Naya and was determined at least not to embarrass himself, so he just said what he was thinking.  

"You're safe now. We have housing but it might take some time to sort everything out. Bear with us." Here he shrugged, not sure what to add. "You're welcome here. For however long." 

Naya smiled, and the elves began to touch a few fingers to their foreheads in some kind of gesture he didn't understand but was pretty clear in context. He just bowed his head rather than return it, then walked towards the gate until it opened, and led them inside. 

Wolves came running from everywhere. Some of the elves shrieked in panic and practically ran back into the trees. 

"They're not dangerous!" Mason lied, holding out his arms and starting to use Speak with Nature until he heard Streak growl and the pack all stopped and sat or flopped over in boredom. "They're with us," he said more truthfully, letting out a breath. Streak came bounding over with his tongue out, ramming violently into Mason with happy growls and yips. 

"Missed you too, buddy," Mason couldn't help but smile as he scratched Streak's neck and held off a few licks.  

"We've started letting them in a bit. Under supervision, of course." Carl stepped out from seemingly nowhere with a shy looking smile, his eyes moving over the elves. "Welcome back, kid." 

"Hey, Carl." Mason stepped forward and took the man's hand, then winced and lowered his voice. "I have forty-fiveish...people, who need to stay for awhile. They'll need housing. A hot meal. And I expect they'll want to stay mostly together, and mostly alone. At least for now." 

Carl grinned and shook his head. "And here I was thinking things were getting a little peaceful. OK. We'll sort it out. Is there one of them in particular I should talk to, arrange things?" 

Mason had no idea. He waved over Naya and introduced them, a bit weirded out to see she'd covered herself entirely except her face again. She soon delegated the task to another elf behind her, and the pair wandered off towards the houses. 

People were coming from every direction now, both civilian and players, mostly to stare.  

Mason waved to a few players, then saw Haley coming with Becky and felt his heart start a faster rhythm. But mostly he was relieved. They smiled at each other, and it looked like Becky was about to come running until Haley held her back with a glance at the elves. 

Mason didn’t care if it was awkward. He helped cross the distance and scooped Rebecca into his arms. 

"I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke up," he said after a good long crush, for a moment forgetting everything else. 

"It's OK," she muttered into his shoulder. "I understand." 

"I'm still sorry." He just held her there a little while, then set her down and kissed her forehead and brought Haley in for the group hug. The elves were at least wandering away towards houses now, some of the humans even coming up to introduce themselves and interact.  

All eyes, in other words, were not entirely on Mason and his girls. But he still very much felt Naya's. 

God only knew how he was going to do this. But the answer was definitely 'not yet'. Haley would help him figure it out, he was sure. And maybe Blake. Or maybe he could just run out into the forest and come back in a few months... 

"The goblin," Mason said as he realized, turning to Kiaan waiting patiently behind him. The creature was covered and hunched at Kiaan's feet, trying rather obviously just not to be noticed, one of the scout's hands on his arm. 

"I have kept him very close, Patron," Kiaan said, pushing the goblin slightly forward. Mason looked around for Phuong, waving him over when he eventually found him. He introduced him to Kiaan, and the men both bowed slightly. 

"This is Cliknik," he said as neutrally as possible. "Did Blake come back yet?" 

"No, Patron." Phuong looked at the goblin with obvious distaste. "Should we ready to return to the mountain and finish our task?" 

"Not yet." Mason was a bit surprised and not thrilled Blake hadn't come back. He sort of expected him to get bored in a few hours.  

Apparently the engineer's treasures were very interesting. Or he was in some kind of trouble. But with an ever growing list of problems, Mason couldn't afford to worry about his brother, and these days he didn't need worrying about anyway. 

"We'll spend the night. Tomorrow we worry about Blake and the mountain. Meanwhile, I need you to look after my...new servant." 

Mason gestured the goblin forward. 

"You stay with Phuong tonight. You never go anywhere without him. If he loses you, I'll be angry. Understand?" 

"Yes, Master," the goblin whispered, shuffling over to the swordsman's leg like a terrified animal. Mason supposed it was surrounded by rather frightening human players. Not to mention the sniffing wolves. Phuong gave Mason a 'gee, thanks' sort of look, then rolled his eyes and gestured Cliknik to follow as he made his way home. 

Mason activated Speak with Nature, kneeling to touch the ground just to check to see Violet was still somewhere beneath the settlement. He felt a peaceful, satisfied tremble in return, sensing the worm sleepily buried somewhere beneath the soil, happily bored after a hunt. 

Nassau looked organized and safe. He saw the new training hall near the temple, huge and something of an eyesore compared to the Gaia-themed buildings. People were already wandering away from the spectacle of the elves, back to their work at the crafting hall or to their homes or to their guard duties, or to sit at the 'leisure center' and play or gossip. 

Everything, in other words, seemed perfectly fine.  

Mason felt the weight of his ever-present concern ease a little off his shoulders. He was already changing his mind about finishing the goblins. They could wait. Whatever was left of them likely proved little threat, and Mason had far bigger fish to fry. He pointed at Kiaan. 

"Start working on your map. Haley before you come to the hall, can you find Kiaan a temporary house, some warm food, whatever else he needs? He's certainly earned it." 

"Of course." Haley smiled and gestured for Kiaan to follow, and the scout returned it politely. 

"Thank you, Patron. I'll begin immediately." 

They went off, and Mason noticed the elven oracle had arrived and now spoke with Naya, the pair of them inching dangerously close to Mason and Rebecca. He was thinking about taking his girl and bolting when the oracle crossed the distance and found his gaze. 

"Let's discuss the contract a little later," she said, her cunning eyes moving over him and Becky with the same kindly old woman mask he'd met in the Wyrd. 

"Yes. Later," Mason said, feeling somewhat...exposed, as Naya watched him. 

But the elves just bowed their heads slightly and turned away, and Becky hardly even looked interested. She probably assumed they'd meant the contract for the whole group and whatever agreement they'd made. She just held onto him and he turned her towards the chief's hall, walking her there arm in arm. 

There were plenty of well-wishers and some glad-handing to be done along the way. By the time they'd reached the hall Mason felt more exhausted than he had after two days of travel, and closed the door of his private wing before locking it with a sigh. 

He smelled the Mexican cooking before he turned. 

Rosa and her friend Lexi were in the kitchen wearing t-shirts and sweats with their backs turned. They were laughing and managing a few dishes, the cooking sounds likely too loud to have heard Mason and Becky come in. 

"Oh yeah," Becky said, "they've finished moving in." She didn't exactly sound thrilled about it, and she crossed her arms as she raised an eyebrow. "What exactly are the sleeping arrangement tonight, anyway?" 

Mason hadn't really thought about that. And of course he felt bad that Becky still wasn't getting along with Rosa, and that she wasn't as comfortable as Haley with sharing him.  

They hadn't even talked about her cousin, Sarah, since losing her in the tree. About her other cousin Willy somewhere in the settlement. He hadn't been there for her when she was hurt. And he knew he risked her life in dungeon after dungeon. Now he was going to be ‘getting married’ and bringing in another girl... 

He probably wasn't a very good…boyfriend.  

That was the truth. Back in the old world it might have bothered him to admit, but he didn't have the luxury of nonsense anymore. His dreams were druid dreams with immortal problems and stakes as high as stakes could get. And she was also one of his main soldiers.  

He saw Cerebus' cold eyes watching him, judging him. He felt the eyes of a synthetic God that had its own rules and didn't care what people thought of them. 

They were all part of a 'game' now that changed everything, and maybe Mason most of all. He realized Becky was still watching him, still waiting for some kind of answer about sleeping arrangements. He met her eyes. 

"Listen, Becky. You saw what it's like out there. All the people, all the problems. And you know what dungeons are like. This hall is the only place I can really rest. You understand?" 

Becky nodded, her somewhat skeptical expression fading slightly. 

"Being with me,” he shrugged, “it's not safe, and it's not fair. I know that." She started to interject but he stopped her. "Some of the softer things you're going to have to get from Haley or the others. Because I can't always give that. I invited Rosa to live here, and being with me means getting along with her. And wherever I sleep is where I sleep. It can't be a problem." 

Becky nodded, standing awkwardly as she put a hand on her other elbow. "I know. And I want you, and everything it means. So I'll...try. I promise." 

Mason smiled and pulled Becky closer for a kiss that turned passionate quick. In seconds she was moaning against his lips, and he was pretty tempted to start pulling her clothes off right there. 

"Oh! We didn't hear you." 

He pulled up to see Rosa and Alexis watching from the kitchen entrance. He met the Mexican girl's dark eyes then scanned her body, no longer feeling or maybe caring about awkwardness. He only saw her curves and felt his own lust, not interested in what was happening or what anyone thought about it.  

Then the door knocked and cracked open and Haley stepped inside, shutting it behind her with a puff of air and a roll of her blue eyes, her hands behind her back.  

"Hello," she said, looking between Mason and the other girls with her usual quick assessment. 

"I could, um, maybe go and..." Alexis started, apparently sensing the same thing. 

"A walk might be good," Haley finished. 

The Finn practically jogged to the door with a slightly pink face, waving to Rosa as Haley gave her a peck on the cheek and ushered her outside. Then she closed the door again and smiled, moving slowly to Mason's side. 

She kissed his neck and slid her knee up his leg, gesturing for Rosa with one hand. 

"Supper can wait," Mason almost growled, pulling Becky to his other side and gripping her ass. He met Rosa's challenging eyes and waited as Becky and Haley trailed their hands over his body. Rosa lifted her chin, then smiled and started coming forward. 


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