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Annie closed her eyes and forced her feet forward. She could do this. She'd survived the end of the world and the 'school' and all the things after. She could do this, too.

The door slammed shut behind her, the 'Martial' affinity symbol pulsing ahead.

"You stand in the hall of the Makers," a terrifying voice boomed from above. "What makes you think you are worthy?"

Tears formed in Annie's eyes. She wasn't worthy. She knew that. She wouldn't even have been there if it wasn't for the others. Blake had helped her, had given her strength. If she didn't have him and Mason and the others she would just hide away from everything and never come out. So what could she say?

'Sometimes I wish I had died in that school' ran through her head. 'Sometimes I still consider dying, but I'm too much of a coward.'

She stepped forward because what else could she do, her eyes caught between an orb on one pedestal, and a vicious looking weapon on the other. She supposed it was technically an 'axe', at least on one side. But it was some kind of hammer on the other side, and all along the strange shaft she some kind of handles, and spikes.

The orb eventually won. It was dark and deep, as if Annie were staring into the mouth of some cave she could disappear into entirely. As she came closer she could see the rock walls like arms wrapping around her, a fire inside that looked warm and comforting. Nothing would find me in there, she thought, I could vanish forever.

Then the orb was in her hand.


[Orb of Transcendence activated. Receiving unique Prestige Class based on all available data. Please do not drop the orb.]


As if she could. Her hand was frozen, her body constricting more by the second. A warm but unwelcome otherness moved up and down her body like the stare from some ancient sun god.


[Unique Prestige Class formulated: Hollow Guard. Implementing.]


[You have gained a Prestige Class! Hollow Guard. +2 to all statistics.]


[Power synergy discovered! Frenzy ===> Cold Fury. In the hollow expanse of the void, there is no rage, no hatred, no fear. There is only death.]


[Unique class power gained: Hollow Soul. They may stop your flesh. But they will find no other way. Extreme resistance or immunity to all effects except physical, whether positive or negative.]


Annie shivered and felt a rightness as she stared at the class and powers. Her 'Frenzy' had been the entire source of her strength, but she could hardly bring herself to use it. Would 'Cold Fury' protect her from the overwhelming emotions? It certainly sounded like it. She decided to inspect her new profile.



Player: Annie O’Donnell

Class: Ravager

Prestige Class: Hollow Guard


Strength: 14

Dexterity: 16

Vitality: 12

Intellect: 9

Will: 7

Presence: 6

Luck: 8


Powers: Charge, Cleave+, Athleticism, Warrior’s Toughness, Cold Fury+, Dull Pain, Hollow Soul


Titles: Late to the Game, Star Pupil, Killer, Defender, Powerful Friends



Things had certainly changed, and all for the better. And her new prestige class power, Hollow Soul...Annie stared and stared, then with a final decision, simply activated it.

She blinked as the world seemed to turn grey. Her endless procession of thoughts, images, emotions...it just...ended. The constant stream of her own anxieties emptied and replaced with a blank wall devoid of color, devoid of joy, devoid of sadness. She shuddered in relief, in comfort, in peace.

Suddenly it was an easy thing to cross the room and seize the axe. The system blinked messages about the name and attunement and she accepted without hesitation, not even bothered as the power locked her body.


[Item acquired: Abyssal Axe. A dangerous weapon from the endless deep. Not for the faint of soul. Enhances the affect of any offensive power used through it, but causes pain to the wielder. Improves with blood and death.]


Annie knew the description should have frightened her. But for the moment, at least, she felt nothing. She realized there was no kind of countdown on Hollow Soul. She had no mana, no 'energy' like Rebecca, no indication whatsoever that she couldn't simply activate that power for as long as she wished.

There would be a cost, no doubt, she wasn't stupid. She knew that. But what wouldn't she pay for endless peace? For the strength to help her friends, to help the only people left in the world that mattered? To repay Blake for saving her, for looking after her when no one else cared.

She held up her Abyssal Axe, staring at a dark, glossy spike jutting from the bottom. Suddenly she was filled with the strange urge to prick her own flesh and draw blood. When she did it, mostly just curious, a small flash of light passed over the weapon. It felt like it had begun vibrating slightly in her hand, as if it had come alive.

She smiled, feeling somehow like she was no longer alone. As if even with her Hollow Soul power the axe might give her the will and desire to fight. It was like a hungry child, her baby brother, and she would need to feed it regularly.

"Don't worry," she whispered, sliding a hand lovingly over its blade. "You'll get your chance. I'll take care of you. We'll take care of each other."

The shaft warmed in her hand, and she wasn't sure how, but she could have sworn she felt the weapon smile. She turned back for the door, eager to show her friends how useful she could be. This was what they needed from her. What Blake wanted but couldn't say. She would make herself perfect, and succeed always where once she had failed.

She had been too weak at the school. Too slow, too afraid, and because she couldn't kill when she'd needed, she had lost everyone and everything. But not again.

Now Annie had her true axe, and a reason to swing it. Though she suspected, one day, without concern, she wouldn't need a reason at all.




Mason waited with Blake, Streak, and Calypsa for the girls and the goblin, pacing back and forth.

"Would you stop that," Blake said. "All you're fretting and brooding makes me fret. And I hate fretting."

"I'm not..." Mason stopped and took a breath. "It's excitement, mostly. I just want Becky to be happy with what she gets."

Blake grinned. "You big softy."

"Shut up."

"I agree," Calypsa said, glaring at Blake from her position by Streak, seeming always to pet him when she was bored. Then she softened as she turned to Mason. "Druid, since we seem to have idle time, would you give me a gift of seed? I've used some mana, and I wouldn't mind a recharge. I can extract it. You needn't trouble yourself."

Mason just about choked on his spit, and tried not to look at Blake's ill concealed laughter.

"It...shouldn't take that long." He cleared his throat. "The girls coming back, I mean. Not the...well. Uh, maybe later, if there's time."

Calypsa nodded, clearly taking that at face value and not just as a way to put her off. Mason wasn't entirely sure which it was. Fortunately, the door of the maker hall soon slid open, and at least two sets of footsteps moved to the entrance.

Becky came running out like a schoolgirl. She grinned from ear to ear and leapt into Mason's arms, wrapping her legs around his waist.

"My class is awesome, y'all!" she shouted, and Mason couldn't help but laugh and give her a squeeze. When he finally let her down she pulled back and stuck out her arm. "Watch this."

In a flash of silver light, a huge, metallic shield grew out of her arm and covered most of her head and torso. She made vaguely ninja-esque sounds, with plenty of hai-yas and huhs as she swung it back and forth and even kicked out a leg.

"Oh I'm gonna get ya with this bad boy," she said, tongue out. "Them little scratchers of yours? Ain't got nothin’. You could hardly hurt me before. Now you'll be like a little kitty cat."

"Is that so?" Mason grinned and shook his head, unable to fight his beautiful girl's enthusiasm. Becky was still bouncing around like a cheerleader when Annie walked out and just stood there, expressionless.

"Everything OK, Annie?" Blake said with a warm smile. "You got your prestige class?"

"Yes," she said, like it was the least exciting thing in the world. On the plus side, she didn't look ready to faint. Or kill anyone. "I can fight better now," she added, like the statement was profound. "Should we go?"

"I...guess we should wait. For the undead goblin," Mason said, hardly believing the words coming out of his mouth.

"Then wait no longer, humans!" The little creature hopped out from the door with his typically horrible grin. This time, though, he was wearing some kind of goggle/helmet, which covered his eyes in yellow lenses and made him look even more ridiculous. And creepy.

"Pliny is much improved. Thank you, humans, for helping me." He dropped to his knees and held out his hands, his voice considerably improved in articulation. "Expected to die. But did not, now vow to return favor. Human friends."

Mason was ready to roll his eyes and head out, but Blake took the goblin's hand and shook it as he pulled him up.

"We're honored, Pliny. And happy to help. And we wouldn't want you to get killed, so stay behind us. OK? We'll protect you. The world needs more great inventions."

Pliny stared at Blake like Mason had seen many others in the past—some combination of amazement and pleasure at having said just the right thing. He pumped Blake's hand like he'd learned a new trick, grinning horribly from ear to ear.

"Yes. Yes! Many more inventions, friends. Very good friends."

"Great," Mason said, looking at the tunnels and gesturing a hand. "Well, friend. Which way to the big bosses? We're ready when you are."

"Good. Yes. No point in delaying. This way, humans. I’ll take you. Together we kill big bosses. And then we rule mountains! Yes?"

Mason raised a brow and the goblin’s smile wavered slightly.

“Er. Mostly, humans rule mountains. But good Pliny will help!”


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