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Hello everyone,

Thank you for your super nice messages and comments. That really meant a lot.

Covid is away now, even though I still feel tired at some times of the day without explanation... 

My back is nearly ok: I still feel a pain when I do certain moves or stay sitting for too long.

But I was able to work and finish all the rewards for the Kickstarter. Markus, the Paper Doll has all his outfits done. You'll find some little surprises as well on the clothes panel. 

So after the Leather boy, the sailor, the gym rat, these are the 4 other outfits available : The Tiger Onesie, The Office look, The Military outfit and the superhero suit.

I've also done a special card to thank the donors on Patreon who contributed to the Kickstarter. You'll find a cropped version here. I used Markus also for the card as he's my new character crush these days. :-D

Now, that all this is done, the rewards for the Kickstarter are officially done! :-D It's a relief because it was way longer than I imagined to do them... I didn't think the Paper Doll could take me so much time.

So now, I have to take care of myself and take some vacations. It's basically the doctor's order: I didn't take real holidays since 2011... And it's not good.

So I will take a break for several weeks and come back at the end of August. 

I'm gathering some rewards from old images for July and August Patreon Rewards. I'll send you the Dropbox links today or tomorrow, when it's ready.

It feels a bit strange to stop working like this... I have never actually stopped for real holidays since I created this Patreon page... But I have to be serious and listen to my body. I really feel tired... 

Take a good care of yourself,





Will you post the nude half of these outfits, please?


Would love to see markus nude


Felices vacaciones !!!


New here. First time commenting – I love these Markus images, especially Super Markus!