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Hello everyone,

Last image for October, and third of my halloween 2021 collection. :-)

A genderbend of Vampirella. I wanted to do something with Elvira at first, but I thought Vampirella, and Vampirello was sexier... (I'll try to do Elviro next year, Sylvanus, sorry.. :-) )

I was fun to do that Halloween trilogy. 

I don't know if I'll do that every year from now... Tell me what you think!! :-) 

I'm working on the rewards now for this image.

Take a very good care of yourself,





Sylvanus Faunus

SYLVAN ??? Never heard oh him (Ru Paul's style...) Please notice that your message has been registered and that I will remind you of it next year :-p


Love Halloween!! Yes, please continue!! Vampirello!!


WoW 😍, Happy Halloween ! 😘🎃🎃