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Hello everyone,

Here's a new image done with your model for this month. Someone put the name Adrian on the table, and I love this name. So here we go for Adrian. :-)

(right clic on the image, "open in a new window" for an higher resolution)

The idea of this new reward is that every month, Kryptonian Patrons send me a picture they like. I randomly pick one and remake it with one existing model.

The photo for the photo request must include one character, clothed or naked. I won't focuse on the background if the photo has one. It will be simple in the final render.

I did this image here as a test to see how it might look. :-)

The final image will be available in the end for everyone.

For this image, I used this great shot of the incredible Pat Lee. Kevin Taylor is the model. I sent  the image to Pat and he was really pleased with it! :-)))) 

I hope you'll like it too!! :-)

This image will also be available in various type of rewards (Clay renders, extra renders, line arts, etc... on NSFW and SFW) 

Thanks again for your great support. We just reach the 1600$ per month! :-) It's so great! :-) So a big thank to all of you for your tremendous support!! :-)



NB: The extra rewards of kryptonian package were a bit unbalanced compared to the other. That's why I wanted to add something to that package. The "2 rewards from the past" are useless for the patrons that are following me from the start, so I needed to give them something more. This is why I chose that this reward will be for them. 




Now you're going to tempt me into doing that level so I could submit one of my old modelling pics. Ha ha ha ha


Gorgeous hunk, love the veins and rippling abdominals. :3


makes we wonder if I shouldn't step from diamond to kryptonite ahahah !

Theo Body

Adrian!! cool ;-) by the way I like him so much more than the original pic where the guy looks like angry...


LOVE IT! any chance we can have a series of him, Têtu / DNA style? ^^