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Hello guys,

As some of you sent me some messages asking if I was ok, I just thought it was simpler to send a global message.

I was at home yesterday night, we were safe. 

It's a troubled period of time, need to wait that the army and the police do their job. Then we could commermorate in the streets...

But for now, we stay at home...

Thanks again for your support and your kind messages.

I started working on a new images... I sent a WIP to the kryptonite patrons, two days ago... 

I don't think I will work this week-end... 

But I hope I'll be able to finish the image for the beginning of the week.

I hope you're all well.

Take a very good care of yourself,




Stay safe, and know that all our thoughts are with you.


take good care be safe we love you Xxx ... thinking of all Paris at this difficult time

philip buford

Glad to know that you are safe! Sending you healing prayers! This is an attack against mankind and it is meant to destroy our faith and hope! We must not let them succeed! Stay strong!

Ismael Álvarez

Hugs and kisses from Spain, my friend!!!!!


Thank you, Emilio. Thanks for the message and your maral support.


Thank you Ismael for your moral support, that's very kind.


Thanks Philip. Yes, you're right, we can't let them succeed. I've just finished my image I started just before all this... Let's live our life. Let's have fun, let's make love, let's go and listen the music we want!!


Thank you Dominic, I was safe at home during that night... But a lot of persons had been hit here in Paris... In this club I used to go... So unreal... But we have to move on. Thanks for your moral support... Really.


Thanks Eric. I just won't stay safe at home... We need to take back our lifes as they're used to be. Yesterday, we went for a drink outside as it was sunny and warm for a mid november... It's important to continue to go out even if we have apprehension...