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Happy Halloween everyone,

This is my last image for October.

I can't wait to be in my home and be more productive for you.

I'll be adding an old image and all the rewards from it in October package so you'll have 4 images this month...

The renovation of the house is a bumpy ride and I had some bumps these past 2 weeks... 

But hey, that's how it works... 

Anyway, in 2 or 3 weeks, everything will be finished, and I'll be at home.

In the meantime, I hope you'll enjoy this Halloween image.

It's the first time I'm doing a collaboration for an image.

The talented Romain Bizat created this creature. I just added details to it. 

It was cool working with someone else on an illustration. :-)

You can see more of Romain's work here: 


 and on instagram here: 


And I'm working on the rewards today. 

And I'll be sending the pre-ordered calendars today and tomorrow. :-)

Thank you so much for your support and your interest in my work.


PS : There will be a little game about this image when I'll post it on instagram today, don't hesitate to participate (winning price: a diamond rewards for November)




You were inspired by the iconic performance of XXXXX XXXXXXX !!!


Oh my... It was that obvious ??... :-D That was the question about this image... :-D


So, I won some special package 📦 ?!


You're the Patreon winner... And I'll do it on Instagram as well... Can you edit your first comment so the right answer is hidden?

David Jégou-Palamy

I’m a slaaaaaaave for you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


VERY nice indeed! ;) ;)

James Smith

This is good Na congratulations!




Yes, I understand you, renovation of the house is a bit off track, especially if it is delayed for a longer period. Nevertheless, I wish you to move as soon as possible and work at full strength!


Britney Spears