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Hello, hello,

Last images for March and first for April.

I've done something a bit different, I did a series of images, three different sculpts plus one more to come. These images are based on last month winning suggestion "A hot lumberjack chopping wood while showing wood" (suggested by Wade).

I sketched several poses and I did'nt know which one to choose... And I thought it would be cool to do them all.

Brad is so big that every time he move to chop some wood, he's exploding his shirt! :-) And so strong that he's chopping not only the log but also the more massive log under it in the same strike.

Last image of the series will be him tearing what's left of his shirt in a more suggestive position... :-)

It was a long project but I'm happy it's nearly done. March donors will get the two first images in their rewards and April donors will have the full package of 4 images.

I'm working on the rewards this week also. I'm posting the naked images now.

The links for April will be sent soon.




cedric mialhe

Wonderful as many other Said . it’s one of best image . I love the third image with his Ripped shirt.

Austin Miller

I love this clothed series as much as the nudes. Beautiful work!