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Hello all!

Here’s update 0.3.6! Per your votes it features a new scene starring Tiffany as she moves on to bigger and better things. If you’re up to date with her story line (and, of course, if you didn’t eat her) it can be randomly encountered in Voronica’s bedroom. There is a chance of triggering the scene everytime you enter, so feel free to bunny hop between there and the hallway to get it more quickly.

Additionally, the Park has been updated with an additional same size scene. This one features a bonus object vore event. A lot of you liked what happened with the baseball bat and this time we’re continuing the sports theme with basketball.

I hope you enjoy and thanks again for your support!





Echoing that, because most of the city scenes are still just at the VN sprite stage, it's easy to forget she's fuggin' huge, and the reminders are dearly appreciated. <3

więCek ツ

Can you add in next updates kind of bulges from actuall stuffed Voronica's belly in cutscens or animations. Flat belly is boring when you have something in stomach and you , and you see again flat belly. thanks dude you doing good job

Heedless H

Thanks, I appreciate it! Unfortunately though I really can't do that. Adding differing belly sizes for the cut scenes would quadruple my workload and slow development speed to a near halt (probably, like, one scene would get made every two months). It would be cool, but I don't think it's worth that. I will try and keep in mind that there is a lack of 'big belly Voronica' animations and scenes in the game atm and work some scenarios into her dates with the other girls.