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Hola! This month, I hopefully will be more active as the semester wraps up. Finals week will be ass, but in terms of everything else, I wanna make a few things known.

With comms, I have been doing those in-between assignments, and will be posting them one by one instead of all at once. That way, I can spread out content across the month and still not worry about repeating another dry spell. I still got a few left in the back log that I'll post soon.

In other news, I'll be completing my BFA next semester if all goes according to plan. But, due to the massive amount of workload from those classes, I won't be nearly as active during the spring semester but at least hopefully I'll be all done after that.

Lastly, I'm excited to share some progress on a student film I started starring Dolly the Werewolf! I'll be posting it as early access content here, so be on the look out...

Thats all for now, enjoy your November everyone! And thanks again for your support!



This is a great update skwrl! I hope to see the new werewolf thing you got going. And I hope everything goes well for you buddy, you got this! Love you dude 💚