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aheem heeem :o] hope you all are having a good day today!!! so so so excited for my first holidays with my partner this year as a married couple ;w; the ball is ROLLING UP!!! wahooo!!!

anyways!!! hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekends ♡ peace and love on planet earth ♡

Fun Fact: This pueblo is actually based on my dad's hometown in Michoacán! Small southern town full of agriculture, sand, and lots and lots of festivals jajaja. A lot of my reference comes from pictures I took while visiting family during the San Pedro "week of the fisherman" festivals! (Which is why you'll see those flowers strung up in some of the backgrounds) Residents will often bring big baskets of fish and other seafood and grill them at the plaza in this almost giant community barbeque! Marachi bands and dancers all come to celebrate and it lasts for the whole week, with most residents staying up til 4 in the morning every night! 

I'm hoping to use the vast desert cactus farmlands of el Mezquital del Oro for my Chupacabras story later on :o] 



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