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Another season in the books!


David Cansler

Tay needs to do some more Jon Snow imitations :)


Hahaha i’m glad you guys liked my comments! I’m also a woman of winter and not a he. Joe mentionned what about the Lannisters and why they get to live but the Starks die when they dishonor themselves, I think the difference is that the Lannisters have a much better understanding of the world and how to play “the game of thrones”. They are not naive and don’t expect everyone to stay true to their word while Ned & Robb trusted the wrong people. Tay, season 4 is many people’s favorite season including me, so excited to watch with you! I think you’re gonna start to see a lot of the things we’ve been building towards in the last seasons come to a head next season. Thanks for the shoutout you guys 🫶🏼 Glad to be apart of this journey!