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Darren Metts

Love wellz but I’m tired of him saying cersie is a gangsta nah danaerys is a gangsta

Darren Metts

Gonna try my best not spoil here but this episode ending turns a lot of what people said about the later season being some random switch up around it all started here and even earlier the development was always there a lot of people just never saw it


Cersei is a vile cruel woman but I gotta admire how she doesn’t take crap from people because she knows how cutthroat the world around her is and if she shows weakness she’s done. But dany is a very misunderstood character she seems happy for the most part when she’s victorious but deep down she’s lonely and wants a family and a place to call home. That’s what the show runners failed to show about dany compared to how George wrote her as a rather smart girl who knows that Westeros isn’t waiting for her and she cares about her people even when her people got sick she went to comfort them like a mother would.