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Taylor couldn't hold back on this one! 



In the books, the gang rape of Tyrion's wife went a step further. Tywin made Tyrion rape her as the last one, paying her a gold instead of silver coin because 'Lannisters are worth more', according to Tywin. Jaime set it up because he saw how all the ladies looked at him and despised Tyrion, wanting to give him a boost of confidence! Though, I do not think anyone could have thought that Tyrion would marry Tysha. Or what their father would do to her. Worse was, Tysha wasn't even a whore! Just the daughter of a crofter, but that was the lie Tywin convinced Jaime to tell Tyrion. A cruel, cruel man he is.


Yeah, if I was Robb I would definitely not fight Jaime either. Say what you will about Jaime, he is no coward. In the books, seeing the battle was lost, he rallied the last of his retainers and started cutting through Robb's host. Jaime would have killed Robb if not for a mislaid swing in the neck of one of Robb's knights. Shouting Robb's name as he crept closer and closer. Dude is like 14 (In the books, older in the show) and taking part in his first battle. Being called upon by Jaime Lannister, the teenager who was knight by Ser Arthur Dayne, the deadliest sword in the kingdoms. I have to applaud Robb, personally, I would have pissed myself. I still wish the first season had the budget of the later ones, I would have liked to see Jaime's crazed face as he cut through Robb's men.