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Viserys, for how much I hated him and still very much dislike him, always thought he was a tragic character and had a horrific death. Forced to flee from Westeros after his mother, Rhaella Targaryen, died giving birth to Daenerys, his elder brother killed at the Trident, and his father betrayed by his own Kingsguard. After the death of their last loyal guardian in Essos, Ser Willem Darry, the Targaryen siblings were robbed by their own servants and forced to wander the Free Cities and treated as animals in a zoo. Eventually being kicked out by whichever rich man or woman invited them to stay at their estate after the allure faded. He was actually a loving older brother for a while, but he started to treat her badly after being forced to sell the last remembrance of his mother, her crown. Blaming Daenerys for her death. While he was wrong to resent his sister for the death of their mother, it is no wonder he turned into such an angry and bitter person once you know his story. While his incestral genes definitely did not help him, he is a true example of being nurtured or molded to his environment and I no longer feel the same pleasure in his death as I once did.


Also, did you see the relief on that one guy's face when he did not have to fight Jaime? 🤣 This just cements Jaime's status as a legendary swordsman. Also, the stand off between Viserys and Jorah hits harder when you realize the words of Jorah's house, the Mormonts, are 'Here We Stand'.

Hank Williamson

New faces every episode, it's just as fun watching Joe react again, as it is a newcomer that has been caught by the GOT hooks. enjoy your first watch. And it is helpful having someone who knows the names, so many damn names