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I plan to release the next update this Sunday. Hopefully sooner.

I had some unforeseen extra work I had to do due to me having to go back and inpaint and edit a lot of images in order to make them look good decoupled from the backgrounds. Which as a result, most of the images (the solo shots at least), show more of the protagonist’s body instead of a lot of it being obscured. So that’s a new feature I hadn’t planned on adding.

Anyways, once this update is shipped, I plan to release “content” updates for a while as they are much easier and much more fun to make. I’m kind of burned out of doing “technical” updates at the moment after the last update plus this upcoming one.

So yeah, there’s a quick update on the game. I’m excited to ship this update because doing so will allow me to focus on the “fun/content” updates which are much more fun and much quicker to make and will allow me to be much more active and Discord/Patreon.

TL; DR = update releases Sunday. Future updates will come much quicker after that update.



any word on when it'll release?


Either tonight or tomorrow. I’m working on it right now. Thankfully, I have a lot of free time tomorrow if I can’t get it done tonight.


Is the update still far away?


Any Updates yet?


Jeez guys he's working on it lol. Do yall want it rushed or do yall want it done well?


She's been working on it but is experiencing some stuff irl right now. Be patient.