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Hi all, sorry that I haven’t been able to release this update in the timeframes I’ve wanted. Here’s some info to keep you all in the loop.

So I’ve basically had to rebuild the entire game from scratch (had to convert the entire game to a completely different format so the game could accommodate this update as well as updates I want to release in the future). As in I literally had to completely rewrite every single line of code that was already in the game in addition to the new ones. So that was extremely frustrating and time consuming.

As for the game itself, I won’t be able to add some of the things I wanted to add in this update. Being:

- No uniform growth setting in v0.2

- No hair color change in v0.2

- No hair length change in v0.2

I still want to add these things to the game, but it would just be impractical to include them in this update at this point.

Some things that will be included in v0.2 that I didn’t originally plan on being included in v0.2:

- The game now has a completely different UI. Every passage has an image now with the passage content overlayed on a translucent box thing.

- I’ve reconstructed the menu screen into an actual sidebar which is much easier to access and use.

- Saves/Loads are much better

- You can rename the player character to any name you want

- I haven’t tested in yet, but as a result of the UI rework, the game should now run decent on Android/mobile devices (again, this is untested)

I haven’t been able to add much new content as far as text/dialogue/scenes go in this update. But this is something I really want to focus on in versions 0.2.x

There’s not a lot left. I’m hoping to release the alpha sometime tonight and the full release a day after, hopefully sooner depending on how quickly I get my feedback back. But we’ll see.

So yeah, this update is a shitton of stuff behind the scenes that will allow the game to become so much better in the future. Not necessarily a ton of ‘new’ content.

Thank you all for supporting this game. Now I’m back to work to try and get this done today ✌️


lélé gaming

good luck we support you

Xeno Cake

Take your time, better a working Update than a rushed mess. ^^ good luck tho