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Hello everyone!

Thank you so much for your kind words and support on my last update post

I wanted to give you more details about my plans for the near future. I will only talk about the changes in March for now to keep it simple.

Changes in March

References for all tiers

All new references that I post starting in March 2024 will be available to all patrons. This includes birthday packs, but the requests for it are still only available in the Sonnenkuss tier.

Everything before March 2024 will stay the same for now, so patrons in the Mondumarmung and Sonnenkuss tier still have access to more sets.

(The idea is to make most of the content from 2021 available to all patrons at the end of this year, except for themed packs that are still available for sale on Ko-Fi.)

Themed packs

Instead of 1 or 2 bigger packs per month I will focus on smaller sets to give me more freedom and try out new things. I have a lot of ideas that would not be big enough for a set with 15-20 photos that I want to try out soon.

Other plans for the future

For now I will not actively work on anything else that I talked about in my last update post. That includes figure drawing videos and events for Discord and social media.

Patreon will be my number one priority together with my homepage that I’m currently working on as well. I made good progress so far and I will give you an update after I’m done.

Thank you again for your support and have a nice rest of the week! 🌺


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