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Hello, everyone!

Thank you so much for being my patron. It means a lot to me, and I’m honored that you decided to support me this way.

Also thank you for putting your trust in me. I don’t take it for granted and I will do my best to provide content that you can enjoy and that feels rewarding for you as my patrons.

There is one thing that I want to address regarding the Sonnenkuss tier.

The Sonnenkuss tier

This is the only tier that is directly affected by the number of patrons because of the birthday mini pack reward. I am aware that this could make some months kind of underwhelming in regards of the rewards that you get.

Before I explain what I will do to prevent a lack of content for patrons of this tier, let me share with you what this tier was supposed to look like and maybe will in the future.

What the Sonnenkuss tier was supposed to be

Originally, I wanted to give every patron of this tier up to 5 request slots per month. So basically, a mini pose pack every month. That would be great of course, but since I could not predict how many people would choose this tier, I had to step back from that idea and start with less.

As much as I wanted to give you the best rewards possible, I also had to make sure that I can deliver them frequently. I was worried that I might spend too much time working on this rewards that I don’t have enough time to create free content for everyone. And that would destroy the purpose of my Patreon page.

What I will do to prevent a lack of content in this tier

To make sure that you get what I promised for this tier, I will make a mini surprise pack when nobody requested a birthday mini pack.

So, you will get at least one pack per month. Once I have a better understanding of how many people are interested in this tier and the amount of time that I have to put in, I will start working on a concept for an “upgrade” of this tier.

Thank you for understanding and your patience while I figure this out.

I may have spent a lot of time creating this Patreon page, but some things have to be done on the fly. For me, someone who likes to plan and organize everything ahead of time, it’s scary but also a challenge that I want to face.

If you have any questions or suggestions for the Sonnenkuss tier, please let me know.

Thank you and stay creative!

- Jen


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