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Hello guys, first of all THANK YOU SO MUCH for the constant support, may sound... very repetitive and this point, but I am really grateful with the support of everyone of you, seccond sorry, for the lack of posting these last 2 weeks, I was very busy and I will explain why now, I have officialy moved away and I am on a different house as well as a different country, so these last weeks have been, getting use to the new place, solve some internet problems and basically, adjusting my life to the new place and the rythm of stuffs.  

I'm not on a definitive location yet, but I have for now a nice place where I can stay for atleast a month or two, before maybe moving to a different location.

I have also carried on working on commissions! but due to some internet problems I wasn't able to post the pictures this week, as you may have seen I have been trying to keep a constant "schedule" of posting a sketch on wednesday and a colored picture on sunday or the weekends ^^ I will try to keep that schedule HOWEVER I wanna do a similar work to the little Ale project I did before so, if I start something like that I may change the schedule a bit.

I know is not a lot but wanted to let you guys know why I was so "silent" for these last 2 weeks, now without further ado! let's go back to the usual flow and I will start posting some sketches I have in the works and tomorrow comes a colored picture!

Also will try to start this spooky month! it's been too quiet!

Hope you guys be safe and pictures coming!


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