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Grinning as he drew, the Symbol of the Millennium eye appearing on his forehead as this duel was all but over. The difference between the two decks was massive, as is the skill difference between the two. Further proving that even if she was ‘The Queen of Obelisk Blue” she was, at the end of the day, still learning about the game.

“You stood in my way you insolent brat. It’s unfortunate that you’re so young and put in this situation, but I have my orders. I will get to Jaden, and no one will stand in my way! And anyone who tries shall pay the price~!”

Swallowing thickly, everything hurt. Having gone a different route in order to meet up with Jaden and instead encountering this person who referred to himself as ‘Titan’ and even promising to restore the memories of her older brother, she couldn’t turn it down. She was warned by Chancellor Sheppard that they wouldn’t ‘play fair’ but she didn’t ever, in her wildest dreams, believe that she’d be forced to participate in a Shadow Game. But that was what happened.

She had the upper hand, at the start. Though Lady Luck seemed to turned her back against her as the duel went on, and on top of that as mentioned previously the seemingly normal duel turned into a Shadow Game. Her brown eyes widening as she couldn’t actually leave the dueling area when she tried backing up. No doubt this had an effect on the blonde as this was now a fight of life or death.

Adding to that, when she took her first Life Point Damage of the match after losing her Cyber Tutu, she doubled over in pain. Holding her head as it was like a pressure was squeezing her head to the point that it’d crush her skull.

She did counter damage with Cyber Blader once she managed to bring her onto the field, but she wasn’t able to stop him from special summoning and despite Blader’s best efforts she was overwhelmed.

It all went downhill from there.

Two direct attacks and pierce damage due to one of Titan’s monsters’ abilities had her down to three hundred Life Points left, on his turn, with Alexis having no monsters on the field and one face down, an Incarnated Cyber Angel Spell which was absolutely useless and a leftover from her previous strategy that had fallen apart. She was down on one knee, clenching her teeth tightly as it felt like she had just been through a five round championship mixed martial arts event.

“Now, lets end this once and for all!” He gloated as the monster roared in front of her. Usually, the holographic animations and sounds wouldn’t phase her. But the way they were hurting her, that roar put genuine fear in her eyes as she prepared for what was coming.

“Picador Fiend, please show Little Miss the Doorway to hell and attack her directly!” He grinned as he pointed right at her.

On cue, it galloped at her and she had no choice but to take it. Though despite her best attempts to brace it didn’t help soften the blow as she was basically trampled by Picador fiend. She couldn’t even push herself up as her entire body felt weak, and her breathing was ragged. Barely able to gasp for much air.

It felt like she was dying.

“Thank you, little miss, for the wonderful evening, but I really must get going. Don’t worry though, I’m sure you’ll enjoy the Shadow Realm quite a bit. After all, everyone there must enjoy it if no one’s ever gotten out!” He guffawed, the shadows engulfing her vision as her body became heavier and heavier with each passing second. Her eyes widening as the ability to breath became a chore, before becoming gasps of desperation as her lungs seemed unable to do their job. The darkness surrounding her literally suffocating her as the vision in her eyes was starting to dim.

And, unbeknownst to her, the rest of her body was as well as it was engulfed by the shadows. Leaving behind only her duel disk, deck, and the key that she had been entrusted with keeping. All of which Titan picked up and stored before leaving the scene, not a single trace of her left behind.


A heavy gasp and deep inhales followed as Alexis’ brown eyes went wide. Panting as she gripped her chest tightly with her hand, before entering a coughing fit and spitting to the side. Taking a sitting position, she took several deep gulps of air as she was able to finally understand that she was able to breathe normally again. The next step was figuring out…exactly where she was. All around her was simply…purple. A purple haze or smoke. There was a floor, hence what she was sitting on currently, but aside that it was just that, nothing more.

Is this what death felt like?

“Hello?” She uttered her first word in a long time, noticing how parched she actually was after receiving the literal beating of a life time. The word echoed back to her, with no response from anyone else. Which meant she was alone here.

Pushing herself to her feet, she stomped the floor a few times with her booted foot to make sure this wasn’t any sort of imaginary trick being played on her. Taking a few steps forward, she started to walk. Being cautious in case anything suspicious came about.

One thing was immediately apparent to her, and that was the fact that her body no longer felt like she had just gone head-to-head against a professionally fighter. In fact, aside the slight parchment and dry throat, she felt perfectly fine.

“Hello!?!” She called out again as the words simply reverberated along the vast expanse of purple nothing. At least, for the few moments that she was walking forward she thought that.


That caused the blonde to turn her head in the direction of the greeting, whipping around so fast as her eyes widened once she saw who it was had responded to her.

“D-Dark Magician Girl?”

“The one and only!” She giggled as she was sitting on her wand, before pulling it from underneath and twirling it and pointing it right at her.

“Wait…how…aren’t you supposed to be in Yugi Muto’s Deck?”

“I am. Whenever I am summoned I am simply pulled and summoned onto the field.” She explained it as she crossed one leg over the other while sitting mid air. “However, when I’m not dueling I’m one of people in charge of the Shadow Realm!”

“Shadow Realm…This is the shadow realm?!” She asked as it dawned on her what had happened. Alexis hadn’t died, she was in the shadow realm! Wait though…this made no sense, at least comparing it to what was taught at Duel Academy.

“Aren’t only the Wielders of the Millennium Items able to send the loser of a duel to the Shadow Realm?”

“Incorrect!” She beamed as she bonked her in the head with her staff, eliciting an ‘Ow!” From Alexis as she rubbed her head. “At first, those who were worthy could initiate a shadow game. Before the creation of the Millennium Items, those who could summon and control their Monsters using their Ka and Ba were able to do so. The stronger your Ba, the Stronger your Ka for your monsters and you’d be able to use the excess to initiate a Shadow Game.”

“The creation of the Millennium Items only simplified the process and made it so that someone with potent Ba wouldn’t lose control of their monsters and end up getting themselves killed.” She explained as Alexis crossed her arms under her chest and listened. “However, that doesn’t mean that those with Potent Ba…known as Soul, in your common Language, don’t exist in the Modern Day. Yugi Muto, for example, can summon certain creatures without the help of his duel disk. Seto Kaiba another, is able to summon up to 3 Blue Eyes White Dragons without breaking a sweat.”

“Alright, I do appreciate the history lesson, but that doesn’t explain how exactly I’m here. Or why you’re here, or how to get out.” Alexis replied as she raised an eyebrow.

“Well, you’re here because the duelist you were up against was able to use his Ba to will into existence a Shadow Game. And you lost, and here you are. As for why I’m here, that is explained simply by how he willed the Shadow Game into existence. He didn’t use the Millennium Items, he used his Ba, through the spirit of his Monsters, to will this. Hence, I’m here. If he hadn’t done that, then you’d be much, much worse off than you are now. So, if anything you were spared the “True” Shadow Realm.

“Great, so I was spared death for less painful death. Is there any way to free myself from here?”


“…No?” That caused Alexis’ more annoyed demeanor to shift to a clearly concerned one. “What do you mean “No.”

“I mean it as I said! Nope! Well, that isn’t true, if someone beats the person who beat you then you would be set free!”

“Alright, not bad…I’m sure that Jaden will win his duel against whoever and then get to this guy and I’ll be out.”

“Well, if, you’re sure! I’m not too aware of what’s going on in the outside world. I have been talking with a few other monsters in my realm and it seems that they are also being put in charge of “Shadow Realms”. So, you aren’t the only one here, you’re just the only one here.” She explained as she gestured with her fingers exactly how that worked.

“What exactly am I supposed to do then while I’m here?” Alexis asked in a more panicked tone as Dark Magician Girl looked down at her. Her Emerald Green eyes sweeping over her form, and most definitely enjoying what she was seeing before her.

“I already have a few ideas!” She grinned, which made Alexis turn to face her. “It’s been a while since I’ve had a guest…anywhere, really. And you’re the first and I think the only one that’ll be here in this Shadow Realm, so we’ll have lots of time to bond!”

“That isn’t exactly something I want to do, I really would like to leave and be with my friends, and find my brother.” She responded again, concern rising as the blonde duel monster in front of her started drifting towards her.

“Well like I said already, unless someone defeats whoever defeated you, I’m afraid there isn’t much that I can do for you. What I can, however do is entertain you!” She grinned as she disappeared right before her eyes.

“Wha-! AYE!” She squeaked loudly as she felt feminine hands around her shoulders, shrugging into herself after being startled.

“Peek-a-boo!” Dark Magician Girl giggled as she disappeared once again, though her staff remained, spinning lazily in place as its owner was nowhere to be found.

“Oh my god I found someone even more childish” Alexis groaned as she put her face into her hands. “I do hope that JaAAAAAAAAAI-“The blonde turned to glare at he slightly darker blonde, red faced as she covered her sides after feeling hands squeeze them.

“Peek-a-boo!” The duel monster giggled again as she spun around in the air.

“Can you stop that?!” Alexis stomped her foot as her hands were balled into fists at her sides.

“Aw boo, I’m just trying to have some fun!” She said as she flew behind her, Alexis turning slightly as Dark Magician Girl’s Chin rested on her shoulders. “Lighten up! It could be worse!” She grinned as the Obelisk Blue Blonde was unable to suppress the shriek that followed a squeeze to her thighs.

“Doing that isn’t fun!” Alexis pushed her away once she swatted her hands away from her “That’s annoying!”

“Gee, didn’t know you’d be such a filthy party pooper! A sensitive one at that!” Her signature grin never left her lips as she flew in front of her. “In fact, that’s one of the ways we can have. Some. Fun!”

Each word was punctuated with a poke. One to Alexis’ right side, one to her lower left side and one to her tummy.

“Stop that!” Alexis pushed her away after giggling from the pokes, smoothing her uniform as she kept glaring at her. “This is ridiculous!”

“I’m just having fun! Besides you’re just too…fun! Though you move around too much.” She pouted with crossed arms.

“Well, I’m sorry I don’t want to play your little game and trying to remain calm despite your persistent pestering and poking! I’m just trying to think of any logical way to get out of here!” She yelled at her. “Yes, yes, I know that you’ve said I can’t but that won’t stop me from trying!”

Dark Magician Girl was taken aback by the Girl’s demeanor. Recoiling a little as she was brushing her thumb against her staff, her grin turned into a frown.

“You’re really mean!” She pouted, causing Alexis to roll her eyes and turn away from her as she walked away from her while waving her off with a scoff. This also took Dark Magician Girl by surprise, frowning even more as her new guest was really, really rude! Fine! If she was going to be rude to her despite trying nothing but being nice to her, then she’ll return the favor!

Spinning her staff in her hands before pointing it at her, she was able to summon two more monsters from the shadows to join her.

Alexis meanwhile had her back turned to her as she was walking away, though the rattling of chains had her turning around to see what was going on. Unfortunately, she was too late in noticing and before long, she felt something snaring around both her wrists and ankles, forcing her to the ground.

“Wha- What the?! What’s going on!?” She asked as two millennium eye-esque looking things, with chains coming off of them, were next to her.

A fearful yelp left her lips as she was then hoisted into the air. Hovering what she could only presume was a few feet above the ‘floor’. Though there wasn’t any chaffing or pressure coming from her wrists or ankles, where one would presume, she was suspended by.

“You’ve been a terribly mean! I’ve tried to keep you calm, get a smile or two from you which by the way were very, very lovely! And in return you slap me away and roll your eyes at me!”

The bound blonde’s mouth opened and closed repeatedly, like a fish out of water, at the entire thing. What could she say?

“So now, instead of me hearing some mean words and stuff from you, I’ll get to hear something else!” The duel monster appeared in front of her, seeming actually on the floor as she looked up at her. “I’m sure that you’ll be nicer from this! And, heh, maybe even get a ‘laugh’ out of it!”

A confused look was on her features as she said that, but that was quickly replaced with a sharp inhale as the feeling of nails sliding underneath her sleeveless jacket and turtle neck.

Her teeth clenched tightly as she looked down at mirthful Emerald eyes. The nails that were controlled by her sliding back and forth, up and down, with no effort on her part. Her tummy quivering as she tried to suck it in and try to avoid those nails in any way she could.

“Someone’s having twouble holding it in~!” She teased verbally as the bound blonde shook her head, closing her eyes and attempting to ignore the verbal teasing.

“Come on~! Lets get some giggles going~” More comments as her fingers moved towards the sides that she had been prodding before, brushing over the vast expanse of soft, smooth skin that carried that peaches and cream complexion. Her thumbs brushing over the edges of her sides clearly was much more sensitive compared to her tummy proper. Though that would require much, much more testing. Not that time was a factor. With Yugi having mostly retired from dueling, and with minimal information about the person who beat Alexis, she had all the time in the world.

“Ohhhh! This seems like a much more sensitive spot!” She pointed out to her as she gave her sides a firm squeeze.


“Such a cute noise! Do it again!” She sounded like a child as she in fact did it again, and Alexis did the same noise again!

“Stop that! It’s not funny!”

“If it isn’t, then why are you laughing?” Dark Magician Girl asked before giving her sides a firm squeeze to stop her from answering. Though she didn’t stop at squeezing, she also started fluttering her nails all along her flanks as well as her hands moved upwards towards her ribs too.

“I feel Ribbies! Someone may have sensitive Ribbies!” She teased as she pinched and prodded at them. The reaction was just as she expected as Alexis was failing to stop herself from laughing as she did when she was at her tummy.

“Stohohohop ihihihit, ihihihit’s thihihis ihihihis stuhuhuhupid!” Alexis told her through her laughter as she couldn’t do anything to prevent her from pinching at her ribs. Holding Arms prevented her from being able to cover herself, and binding legs kept her from kicking at her. “Lehehet mehehehe gohohoho!”

“No can do grumpus, not until I get more of that laughter and smile from you! Much better than the bitter frown you gave me when you were free, so this is much better for me!” She giggled as her hands resumed to tease her sides. Raking in opposing patterns with her nails, one set going up her right side while her left side had to endure her nails raking downward.

“A coochie coochie cooo~! Such a ticklish little duelist, you remind me of Mai Valentine! You remember her? You’re just as pretty, and pretty ticklish, as she is! Oh, I remember when Marik sent her to the shadow realm. Hers was much darker apparently, but she had to endure something similar I was told. Shame I wasn’t invited, but I think you’re a better catch anyway!”

Alexis didn’t know if that was a compliment worth accepting, not that it would matter as she couldn’t do anything to retort anyway.

“We’re gonna have so much fun together! I just know it!” She told her as one hand focused and tapping against her ribs, while the other went back to her tummy and played with her navel. “Oh there are so many things that we can do together!” She grinned as she looked up at the laughing blonde. Though, most of Dark Magician Girl’s ideas revolved around things that she could do to Alexis, but that didn’t need to be mentioned!

A particular squeal was the cutest thing when her finger slipped into her navel, sliding in and out of the tender area and teasing the edges of it brought out quite the guffaws of laughter. Her resistance really didn’t last that long, did it?

Switching it up, her hands swapped positions. The hand on her ribs took over navel duties as that hand moved to start counting ribs on the other side, though moving higher and high and towards her armpit. And as she approached, she noticed that her laughter started to go up in volume, as did her squirming.

“Do I sense someone having sensitive pits?” She asked, to which was responded to by laughter and frantic shaking of the head from Alexis as two fingers swirled in her navel. “I think someone is lying~, I think I’ll test it after I’m done here with this cute belly button!

Two fingers fluttered against the edges of it, before switching to going around in lazy circles. Dipping inside of it also yielded good ticklish results, as did scratching softly at the inner walls of it too. An excellent display of ticklishness from her new bound friend!

The first break was given to her, giving her tummy a gentle pat that made Alexis tense up while she caught her breath as Dark Magician girl adjusted her uniform and did the laziest attempt to smooth it out. It’s not like she even needed it anymore! But, it was a gesture of good will from her.

“Look, Dark Magician Girl, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude I’m just scared!” She admitted to her. “I don’t want to be here alone for the rest of my life!” She further admitted. What did she have to lose by doing that?

Tilting her chin softy, their faces were close enough that Alexis could see that, at least for the briefest moment, Dark Magician Girl was serious. “I understand that being taken from your world and sent to the Shadow Realm is scary. But look on the bright side, you won’t be alone, I’ll be here! On top of that, we both are around the relatively same age. Unlike in your world, aging here is somewhere along the lines of ten times longer, so death is nothing to even concern your pretty self with!”

Despite her bright and cheerful reassurance, the really possibility of being here for that long did not at all ease her fears.

“But enough dabbling on the not important, as for now I have some exposed armpits to enjoy! This outfit really doesn’t hide much, as if you wanted someone to touch them!” She giggled as her fingers slid with no effort into the gaps left by her bound arms and her nails wiggled along the edges.

“Nohohohoho, thahahat’s nahahahat mahahahay fahahahault!” She cried out, cursing the academy uniforms. From Day One she was complaining about them, and look where it has her!

“Well, whoever designed them, I thank them! I don’t have to strip you, yet, and get access to all the sensitive spots!” She grinned as her nails inched closer and closer to the center of her armpits. “And boy are these armpits ticklish! You lied to me!”

Alexis couldn’t even respond with anything but laughter. Any retort melted into laughter. Which further grew in volume with each passing minute as her nails moved inward. Her head shaking as she tried to tell her to stop, to get out of there, but it all came out in gibberish and unintelligible.

“Tickle Tickle~! Such ticklish armpits that you told me weren’t ticklish!” She reminded her of her lying as she rose on her tip toes to get more leverage and force her fingers deep into the sensitive hollows.

“AHAHAHAH NOHOHOHOH!! GEHEHEHEHT OHOHOHUT OHFHFHF THEHEHERE!” Alexis shrieked through her laughter as it was ignored by Dark Magician Girl, who seemed to be humming to herself as she worked into her Armpits like a sculptor would, with Alexis being the Canvas. Her fingers moving in various ways to elicit various reactions as she listened to her laughter. Spending way too much time there. Though the duel monster couldn’t be blamed, it was just way too much fun! Watching her normally kempt hair become unkempt as she was shaking her head repeatedly, repeating “No” and “Stop” through the sweet laughter of hers.

Eventually though she wasn’t able to find any more ways to make her make new noises, so she gave Alexis a small break. Panting and wheezing a little as her hair was disheveled from her shaking her head so much. Some sweat coming down her cheek as well as she noticed that Dark Magician Girl wasn’t on the floor anymore.

“Alright! We’ve gotten allll spots over there so far…but there is one spot, oneeeee spot I really want to test!” She heard her from behind. Trying to turn her head, she felt a slight pressure along her calves, along with fingers against her boots and her brown eyes went wide at that. She didn’t say anything, though her silence was all that Dark Magician Girl needed to know that this was going to be fun.

Holding Legs loosened up ever so slightly, allowing for Dark Magician Girl to ease off the left blue ankle boot. Exposing a nice, clean, white socked foot. A slightly fluffy one too, seemed to have thicker cotton and all. Her socked toes wiggled a little and spread before relaxing again. Curious, she moved her face towards the boot and sniffed it a bit. A slight hint of sweat with the vaguest hint of Lemon from her body wash or lotion. A sweet aroma, if you will, which was encouraging her to be a tad bolder and push her face further into her boot and take deeper sniffs.

Alexis could hear the deeper sniffs and turned around. Her mind putting two and two together and recoiling in disgust. “That is absolutely gross!” She groaned as she tugged on her legs. “Put my boot back on, this is ridiculous you’ve had your fun.”

“Nope!” She said simply as she popped the P and threw the boot over her head. As she went for the right boot and as soon as the collar of her boot passed where her ankle sock began, holding legs instantly clamped down snugly again. Just as before, as her toes were free from the confines of her boot, they once more spread slightly and relaxed while at the same time Dark Magician Girl sniffed the boot as she had done before. Deep inhales that made Alexis both shudder in disgust and her cheeks burn bright with embarrassment.

The Duel Monster noticed a number printed on the inside. An ‘8’ along with a barcode, which probably meant that Alexis was hovering around the Size 8 mark. Once she had her fill, she gave Alexis’ posterior a firm smack before talking, which drew an uncharacteristic squeak from her.

“Y’know, I’m helping you get all comfortable and all. Here, let me get comfy before we get to the fun stuff.” She giggled as she reached for her own right boot and pulled it off, throwing it over her shoulder as it floated near Alexis’ blue ones. Her own Size 7 foot exposed to the vast expanse of nothing surrounding them. Her toes painted a pink that matches her wand, and neatly taken care of. Not a blemish on them. Making sure to put extra, extra care into them after the one duel where she was forced into Glass Slippers and letting anyone see them from any angle.

And there were lots of angles too.

Slightly narrow overall, but that didn’t take away from its beauty. A pink tinged heel that led to a light slope that formed her arch. The ball of her foot also having that slightly pink tinge, not as pronounced as she didn’t really walk as much, along with perfectly proportioned toes that had her second toe slightly taller than her big toe before going down in order. They were milky white and looked soft to the eyes, no doubt feeling about the same as well.

Flexing and stretching her bared foot, she did the same with her other boot and wiggled her toes freely. “Ahhhh, much better!” She grinned as she sat back up normally and was face with two white socked, and it seemed nervous, feet. At least judging by the way that her left foot rolled around and her right one seemed to be tilted down. The way that her right foot was angled was going to be a problem in the future, Dark Magician Girl could see it, so she tapped on the shackles around Holding legs and two little round holes seemed to magically appear above the metal. 

“Now that I’m all comfy, I think it’s time for the real fun to start. So, let me ask you again Lexi-poo. Are you ticklish?”

Just as before, Alexis’ answer was just silence. Not giving her an answer, despite both of them both knowing what exactly the correct answer would be.

“Gosh, are all you humans so difficult? I don’t remember a more difficult human being. Not even Seto Kaiba!” She exclaimed as her nail traced along the arch of her left foot, nearest to her face. Her toes curling tightly as she could feel Alexis tensing up completely underneath her. That signature smile appearing once more as her fingers were ‘feeling’ her arch. Rubbing against the socked foot simply using the pads of her fingers instead of her nails proper. She’d be saving that, for later.

Her right foot, the furthest away, was also felt up but not to the same degree as her left one. That one just had her entire hand rubbing up and down that foot, which despite it’s best attempts was not able to escape how she rubbed the palm of her hand against her socked foot. Whenever her toes would curl, she’d be able to feel the wrinkles underneath the cotton fabric.

Meanwhile, further in front, the blonde was having a hard time as the other blonde was simply rubbing her hands against her socked feet. Occasionally she’d jerk hard as she’d feel the nails glide against the fabric, and the anticipation wasn’t helping matters either. It only helped make her more nervous and she swore she felt more sensitive because of it.

“Even through your socks, I can feel how warm your feet are. I wonder if they are this soft, or if it’s just the socks.” She asked as her fingers brushed along her toes, causing them to curl instantly. Both sets of toes curling as her palm brushed over the other set on her right foot as well. “There is only one way, to find out~! Maybe if you don’t squirm around as much, you can keep your sock! How does that sound?”

“You’ll just cheat though.” Alexis shuddered out as she did eventually stop touching her feet, atleast for the moment.

“Nope! Magicians Honor! Keep your foot perfectly still for me and the sock stays on!” She stated as she pinched the toe of her right sock, and circled her finger around her heel. Her reaction being hard and instant. Both muffled giggles as she bit her lip, but also shaking her leg . Which in turn meant that Alexis had pulled quite a significant chunk of her sock off by herself as the collar of it was already near where her heel started.

Moving from her heel, she went for the ball of her foot. Circling around it lazily as Alexis curled her toes. Which counted as movement as that was enough for it to actually wrap around her heel, exposing the underside of it. It wasn’t much but the collar of her sock was now around her heel.

“You clearly aren’t trying hard enough!” The darker blonde tutted a finger as she moved towards the arch.

Alexis was, she was trying so hard. But keeping her laughter from spilling out again coupled with this ‘game’ that was rigged from the start, it was only a matter of time until the inevitable would happen. And she wanted to prolong that from happening for as long as possible as she was clinging on to hope that Jaden would find Titan and beat him.

Dark Magician Girl’s fingers then moved towards her toes. Specifically, over her second toe. Not only did this make it infinitely harder for Alexis to keep in her heavy giggles, a few of which were slipping, but her foot twitched which was out of her control. Which meant the sock rode up more, rolling over and exposing a pink, plushy heel along with the start of a creamy colored arch too.

“Uh oh! I see a heel~.” Her teasing resumed, though with bare skin to work with this was perfect. She had been waiting for a long while for this, and now she had the chance! She had to remember to keep a grip on the sock as her left hand went to touch the soft looking skin.

And it did match what it looked like.

Her fingers glided against her heel, her nails making themselves known much to Alexis’ dismay as her foot rolled around to avoid those devastating nails of hers and riding her sock up more.

“Plehehehase! Dohohohohn’t!” She tried as she felt her sock riding up and stopping right before the ball of her foot was exposed.

However, what Dark Magician Girl could see was a very curvy arch, with Pink around the sole of her foot. And sliding her fingers along it she could feel that not only was it warm to the touch, but smooth to the touch.

Her nails walked and ‘slipped’ down her arch, more bubbly laughter, not giggles, but laughter now leaving her lips.

“Oh gohohohod nohohohoho plehehehase!”

She tried, Alexis did truly try, but when the blonde’s nails slid along the rim of the sock, towards where her arch ended and met the ball of her foot that caused her to falter yet again. Flexing her foot back and the sock ended up right where her toes were. Which, to Dark Magician Girl, meant she got to see a milky white, cushiony ball that looked like a round marshmallow to the eyes, and felt like one as her fingers circled around it.

“Uh oh, I can see some little toesies~!” She warned her as her fingers lingered around what was exposed. But it was all a charade as when Dark Magician Girl’s nail scratched at her arch, that was when she lost.

Her toes fanned out as her sock basically loosened itself off after she rolled her foot. Her toe pads having a pink tinge to them, they descended in perfect order from her big toe to her pinkie toe. The first thing that came to her mind as she saw them was “plump” as that matched their description perfectly. They held a pink tinge that would be found on bubblegum. And swiping her fingers across each one elicited the most adorable reactions as those toes wiggled and curled for her. She could see from where she was sitting, the tops of them. Alexis wasn’t one to dabble in nail polish, so no varnish of any kind to be seen.

Overall, Dark Magician Girl had to admit that her foot was quite beautiful. And she couldn’t wait to get her hands on the other one, still confined in its sock for the moment.

“A tickle tickle tickle~! Who a ticklish wittle blondie? You are!” She cooed as she didn’t spare Alexis anymore. She wanted to have more fun with her.

“Ohohoho Gohohohod Nahahahat Ahahahagain!” She cried out as she felt her nails not only sliding across the sole of her foot, but also on the tops too. Unlike with the hand that was paying attention, at the moment, to the arch of her foot, she couldn’t curl her toes to stop the hand along the tops from doing what it was doing, which was just sliding up and down the smooth skin right before her toes began. She just had to take it, and laugh for her, just like she had been doing before.

“And there is that cute laugh! It suits your cute self a lot more! Try smiling more!” Dark Magician girl told her own legs kicked back and forth humming a tune while she worked on Alexis’ foot. Nails raking down from her toes to her heel, scribbling softly at her heel as her toes curled tightly before then moving to skate around her arch. Despite her toes remaining curled, the wrinkles that formed didn’t do anything but make her foot look just as enticing as when it was smooth while her fingers swirled around the curve of her arch.

“Leheheht meheheheh gohohohoho!” Alexis managed out, though she couldn’t through any more insults at her like she had when she was working on her upper body because Dark Magician Girl was just finding more and more sensitive spots on just that one foot alone.

And it only got worse when her fingers both started to assault her toes, and the ball of her foot at the same time, eliciting the most adorable squeal that Dark Magician Girl had heard. “Oh my how adorable!”


“It is! And, no!” The blonde duel monster answered with a shake of her head as her fingers worked on those two spots. Her nails assaulting the tops of her toe stems while at the same time she worked on the cushiony ball. It’s plushness meant that her nails sank into the soft skin with ease and that there soft trails left behind as her nails danced all along it. And to top it off it was a sensitive spot for the bound blonde, judging by how her laughter went up an octave when she was fluttering her index and middle fingers against it.

All while Alexis was forced to entertain her with her laughter. Her mouth agape, a smile on her lips, her cheeks red and tears forming at the edges of those brown eyes.

Dark Magician Girl stayed at those two spots for god knows how long, if you asked Alexis no doubt it’d feel longer than what the correct answer was. But mercifully, Dark Magician Girl’s nails stopped, and she was given another respite. That didn’t mean that her hands moved away, no, one stayed and was ‘petting’ the top of her foot as the other disappeared.

Panic did strike her though when she felt a tug from her left socked foot.

“W-wait, no! No more!” She sounded desperate, a far cry from her normal tough demeanor that had been warned down from everything that she had gone through thus far.

“Now now, we can’t just ignore this foot right here. It’s just rude! And I’m not as rude as you are!” She tutted a finger as she adjusted herself, her face close to her foot as she tugged and tugged on the fabric. Alexis’ toes curled as if trying to grasp at the material with her toes, but it was all for naught as a fresh, identical as before heel was bared, followed by a matching curvy arch, cushiony ball of her foot, and finally five round, plump toes that just as before wiggled, flexed before curling shyly.

As this foot was closer to her compared to the right one, she was able to be much more intimate with it. To be fair, one could not blame her for doing so. So her nose grazed her toes directly, forcing itself between them as she felt those soft toes curl around her nose and inhale deeply. “Mmmmm, so nice~” She commented as she moved from toe to toe, the actions causing Alexis to jerk her leg with no effect as it tickled just as badly.

“We’re gonna have sooooo much fun together!” Dark Magician Girl repeated as Alexis would feel lips pressing against the ball of her foot, though this time a gasp of surprise left her lips instead of the expected ticklish laughter. It tickled. But, behind the tickles, it did feel nice.

However, they didn’t last too long as while her lips moved to smooch the ball of her foot her nails returned to play with her right foot. Specifically, her toes. Her ring toe was pulled back randomly, and her laughter roared back to life once a single nail traveled up and down the stem of that toe. This seemed to also elicit the strongest reaction as she tried, but failed, to buck her off entirely. Not budging at all but Dark Magician Girl could feel her try.

“Someone has ticklish, and tasty, toesies!” She pointed out. The second part took her tickle-addled mind a moment to process, but a split second after she did she felt a warmth envelope the same ring toe on her right foot, followed by a soft sucking. That equally felt nice, right up until she felt the warm and slimey tongue of hers force it’s way between her toes and flick at the sensitive gaps on either side of it.

“NO! NONONONONONO GHEHEHET OUHUHUT! STOP LIHIHIHICKING MAHAHAHY TOHOHOHES OHOHOHO PLEHEHEHEASE NAHAHAHT THAHAHA TOHOHOHES!” Alexis cried out as her eyes closed and she shook her head, her messy hair becoming more messy and some of it sticking to her forehead.

The cruel Duel Monster in fact did not do that. Instead, she did the opposite, enveloping two more of her toes into her mouth instead. Her Index and Middle toes joining the bullying by her mouth and tongue as she sucked on those toes. And even if Alexis wanted to enjoy it, she couldn’t. Because while they were sucked on her tongue was sliding between each gap and wiggling between it with the sole intent to make it as tickly as possible. And it was working.

While, at the same time, the same set of toes on her right foot had been pulled back and her index finger was simply sliding back and forth across the stems of those three toes.

“Mmmmm, thsih tashte delicshous!” Dark Magician Girl spoke with her mouth full of Alexis’ toes. The tears that had been prickling at the edges now flowing freely from so much laughter. Her chest and lungs burning, as she laughed, and laughed. The purple void was the only witness as the Queen of Obelisk Blue was reduced to a ticklish school girl at the hands of the blonde duel monster who had become such a icon for the game she had lost to end up in such a situation.

Her only hope would be that Jaden could find Titan and beat him, and free her from this.


Everything stopped for a moment, and Alexis’ face was red from the noise she just made. She could see the face Dark Magician Girl was making as she stared at the back of her head.

“Do it again, do that noise again!”

And when she did the exact same motion to get her to snort, flicking her nail across the tender skin of her big right toe, while sucking on her left middle toe, she did. And Dark Magician Girl was going to find more little tidbits of fun at her expense while she was here. And Alexis would only sit there, and take it.


A little story provided by the commissioner :D who did an amazing work with the story! I really think is a nice one and fits well with the characters :D

So with this one! one last commission done! :D and I have a certain Medium in the waits, but it's already sketched you will see that picture soon! :D

Have a gopod day everyone and stay safe!




I like this Shadow Realm MUCH better :D Amazing Work