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Hello everyone I hope you are all having a good day I wanted to thank everyone of you so much for your constant support! you are helping me really be able to do more of my content and carry on bringing more new drawings each month. Specially on the current crazy times it means a lot to me that you guys  are here in my patreon, reason why I am trying my best to bring content weekly. If you have been paying attention for the last 2 months I have been trying to post a colored pic and a sketch weekly. I will try to carry on this sort of "schedule" as much as I can.

As for my plans for the rest of the year and the one to come:

- First of all Next month comes HALLOWEEN! and I would like to do a theme for the month, I have ONE picture planned but for the others that can come I wanna either draw "horror theme" characters AKA characters from horror movies, videogames, animation or myths into ticklish ladies ;D or grab a "monster girl" from each class like "vampire" "werewolf" "mummy" "zombie" and so and so on from media and get them to the ticklish project I would like to know what you guys think and I may do either a poll or simply choose based on what you consider best :D

- November and December will be dedicated to carry on more of the current stuffs I have started, finish some sketches like the Annabelle in Spa so all the pics are done (I may add a few more just to make it more coherent), For christmas we will need a christmas theme picture! and if you guys wanna suggest or think ideas for it I will be all ears! I was thinking of doing "lucky patreons" requests but sadly Patreon is against them so instead I will have to think in something else that can fit december. 

-Next year finally I wanna carry on some projects I left a bit on hold one of them been the CHALDEA WARS comic project I did time ago, I have some pages sketched and some servants in mind, so if possible I wanna carry on that one and make it be part of the monthly  content so each month you get 1 or maybe even 2 pages of it ^^ (I may have one fate pack in the works so will be lots of fate tickling content coming!) and finally get my hands to try animating more often, nothing too complicated at first but I will do my best to get used to animating.

Finally on my personal side I may move from my current home next year, hopefully to a better place with more privacy and with more time to do the stuffs I like, in a safer place too, if all goes according to plan I will let you guys know and let some stuffs prepared while I finish moving.

Well I think that may be all for now I want to thank you guys for the support! and wish to interact more with you as I get myself used to writting more arround here to tell if anything important happens, this year is been chaotic to no end, but I am still arround and kicking! ^^

I hope my art could have bring some joy for you guys and if you wanna suggest ideas or comment on any of the plans I put above please do! :D I will be trying to reply to you all during the day, for now I hope you have a nice day and STAY SAFE! :D


Aidan W

Ooh looks like October will be fun


Dude it's us that should be thanking you 😊 the amount of work you've put in, posting consistently even with things being as chaotic as they have been for you and for that you deserve the utmost respect. As for what you have planned it all sounds amazing I remember the Jason and Freddy pic from last year and that looked amazing and a theme like that again sounds like a blast. As for November and December I love it Annabelle at the spa has been a series of pictures I loved and can't wait to see more of it. As for December if you're looking for an Idea then since the holiday is all about family and friends why not a picture with your and your friends OC's. and next year sounds like a blast to, seeing more of the Chaleda wars would be perfect as that first page was epic and I hope that when you do move out it goes smoothly as I know I can be really stressful. Nevertheless any post you make always brightens my day and you know you'll have my support for a very very Long time

Miguel Salizar

Congratulations on all your success and all that you have accomplished this year. You've worked really hard and it shows. I'm glad to see that you have much to look forward to in the coming months and more. Good luck with the move, I hope that goes well for you. Here's hoping that there is more privacy and you can have full reign to do as you please with your art. Moving out can be a bit scary at first but I know you'll do well. Keep up the good work man. You'll do great on your own I'm sure.


thanks but really is cause of you that I carry on arround doing what I do ! :D And I have a sequel planned for the Jason and Freddy picture for sure! and not a bad idea to make a christmas pic or PICS with my ocs and friends if you guys want it XD


Oooh that's very interesting I'm looking forward to see what you have planned for the sequel. But yeah I really do think a pic/pics with your and your friends OC's would be perfect and I know I wouldn't be the only person thinking that as well. But even still if in the end you don't go with that idea then I know whatever idea you end up going with will look amazing 💚