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Well I am sorry my idea was  to post the last Yang pictures this weekend, sadly I got pretty bad, with that I meant I was sick most of the weekend, however I am feling a lot better now, so I will try my best to deliver some art this week ^^

ALSO I wanted to ask you since you guys voted for Salem from RWBY to be tickled as well as "yellow" from  pokemon, is it fine if I save Salem for when I finish the "seccond part" of Blake, Weiss and Ruby? or do you just want to see the evil misstress doomed? ^^

ALSO I may do one of those "who could this be" like I did with MIdnight soon ^^ so maybe you guys can choose some nice girl to fit a picture :D

For now that's it, sorry I haven't delivered a picture this weekend, but soon I will

THANK YOU ALL for your support ^^ 


Miguel Salizar

Its cool dude. Take your time. As for Yellow, you mean Leaf right? That's the name for the female Trainer last I checked. And save Salem for later. The other girls should be tickled first before the boss gets it.


I think Salem should be saved for a while-- and when she does get it, it should be the full ticklish might of the gods of light and darkness destroying her soles <3


Salem gets it last. That said, make sure Neo gets it bad as well! :)

Cubi Studios

Salem won your last poll, so I say go for her next. Or, Neo got all the RWBY girls, maybe they pay her back.


The people have spoken. Salem’s feet must be tickled.

Gong Hong

Definitely second part of the rwby crew first


Ruby first.


Definitely rwby part 2