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well I wanted to start the year with a BANG! ^^ so FINALLY! after so long! we have YANG been tickled mercily by Neo herself and her new "team" surelly those twins want some revenge after Yang kick their asses ;D

now HOWEVER.... I think someone is a bit yangry and yang-xious, don't you think?

what if we put a smile on her face instead or a BIG BIG LAUGH ^^ better

what if we start now with part 2? ^^ and go for more laughing crying and more tickled Yang? what do you guys say? ^^

part 2 of Yang sounds good? and what would you like me to do to her then? tickled of course but I wanna know what tools do you want ^^

More will come soon a textless version for example but I hope you enjoy this! ^^ I will try to do Yang part 2 soon! :D but I want your ideas! 




She's being tough but all tough nuts crack eventually. Everyone is having fun, well except Yang. Neo must be proud of herself, having finally tickled all of Team RWBY. She should just be careful in case they seek retribution.


As for how she should crack, maybe bit more attention from Neo's hands on her feet. And some nibbles. Definitely some of those

Cubi Studios

For her to finally crack the twins need to double team her feet and then Neo is sitting on her going after her sides, the surprise switch up will throw her off and make her finally laugh, maybe have Neo holding her mouth into a smile so she can't grit her teeth to hold back anymore.


I LOVE IT for part two teasing. lots of teasing