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Okita and Nobunaga my OTP and totally shipping support of Fate Grand Order ^^  as I really like these two having a sort of.... "special time" time together, for the ones that may know these two may know that these two.... are pretty silly ^^ and of course I LOVE THEM cause of that! :D
I wanna do this an actual finished comic later but for now ^^ I have OKita laughing

and what is that thing holding her? I wanna say is a device made by da Vinci to hold weak bersekers... so Okita has not a chance to escape that! ^^ AND YES XD I think Is my favourite pose since I do it so many times XD

BTW I AM NOT DEAD! and this is a pic I was having so much trouble to finish! so much indeed that I wanna do a final colored version!... eventually ^^

but as I mentioned you college goes first but don't worry ;D SOON WILL BE DONE! 

and since the pool is over ^^ soon also comes a colored pic! of the winner! :D



Cubi Studios (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-18 08:01:33 This is a pretty top tier pose with the toes all tied down, because it'd be pretty hard to escape or move from! Love it :P
2018-06-15 21:16:15 This is a pretty top tier pose with the toes all tied down, because it'd be pretty hard to escape or move from! Love it :P

This is a pretty top tier pose with the toes all tied down, because it'd be pretty hard to escape or move from! Love it :P

Miguel Salizar

A yuri ship is your OTP. Why am I not surprised XP? Lol in all seriousness, this is an excellent comic dyde. I love the expressions and the split panels between the ticklee's feet and her reactions. Very well done. :)