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Well first and foremost, thank you so much everyone of you who has being constantly supporting my work and who I hope liked the last pic with the zzz girls ^^ I promise to bring more of them if you like it!

Work schedule and Serious Update

Now into the important and serious part of this post, I often prefer to keep my irl stuffs away from my artistic side online since I think is the more profesional way to work, however due to some recent events it's affecting my work flow a bit, so I think is fair I let you guys know of it, since you are the ones supporting my art and I don't wanna leave you in the dark about this.
During the last months my grandfather's health has gone really bad, so during the last 2 months I have been constantly taking him to the hospital and making sure he is alright and recovering. Last week sadly the sittuation stepped up a bit and he had to be hospitalized.
He is getting treatment and hopefully he will recover, but that means I have being constantly going there to check on him and taking stuffs he needs as well as his expenses. In fact last weekend I had to stay there almost from friday till sunday. Which means I have been less time at home than previous months, I am managing to schedule time for drawing while also taking care of him as well as helping my grandmother with the stuffs at home. That's why the last pic I did with Grace took me a bit longer than expected.

Currently I go there almost daily and ocasionally get covered by my uncle or aunt which then allows me to rest a bit at home and get back to drawing. Deppending on how things go maybe by the end of this week or the next things will get better and hopefully back to a more calm schedule. But in the meantime there is a chance I may get a bit slower in productivity, I sincerely ask for your patience as I am trying my best to juggle my time to provide the best work I can do and not making half baked stuffs. I hope you guys understand, but I will still try to keep the pace I have got for a long while of post something weekly.

If something happens and you are interested on my Grandfather's health I will keep you updated on how things go, hopefully things go on a positive note.

Planes and future ideas

Leaving aside the heavy subject from before I have been working on clear ing the commission list I got from last time I opened commissions, which is really going foward and hopefully finished in a closer time, I appreciate my commissioners for their patience and if you are expecting a picture from me, don't worry as soon as I get to yours I will send you an update and progress on it.


Now if you remember some time ago I did a series of pictures with Alessandra my OC in quite a ticklish quest to get some ingredients for her mom and if you don't check out my previous posts here:


I was planning to make another one of these with Alessandra and probably her silly best friend ^^ in a similar style like sketchy pics or some b/w comics if you guys are interested in them.

I would like to start making these series of pics something that happens often on my patreon, which I hope you are excited about, these ideas may revolve arround my Ocs and maybe have some cameos from OCs from others, something I did in the past with my oc Annabelle and my friend's Oc Yuki which as well you can find here:


The idea is to give you guys more content with some fun pics I can more or less do daily like I did with Alessandra. If you guys like the idea I would love to hear your feedback about it or if you would prefer some other OC or character in a similar series of pics please do let me know in the comments, if all goes fine this could be the start of more content with my OCs and hopefuly more for you guys to know and enjoy of them ^^

(this won't stop me from making other characters from animes, games comics and kinda is just a personal project I would like to include here on patreon for you guys to enjoy)


Well As I teased in the past the comic of May is still in the works, just that for this chapter a very close friend of mine is helping me make it, splitting the work between us both and due to that reason is a bit slower in productivity, (sorry for the really long wait!) but it's really getting better than the previous 2 chapters in my opinion, we are so far arround page 30 of 40. YES is gonna be MORE pages this time. I can't say for sure when it will be released but we hope that this summer allows us to speed up the pace a bit. You will get the comic released weekly similar to how I did it in the past here and it will also be on gumroad for the people who don't support me here, there isn't much more I can say about it, but I know people really are waiting for it, and I hope the end result be of your like.

August comic theme:

Some time ago I did a month dedicated to comic book characters as some of you hopefully remember. With comics I mean american or european comics, indie comics or maybe even webcomics, since other months I usually work more with animes and games. I love them all! but I feel something comic related could be a really nice theme for August after the almost 3 years since I did that Gwenpool comic.

Hopefuly being able to make something better than last time and that can be of your like! so if you got some idea or suggestions start thinking cause in the coming weeks I will make a post for you to suggest characters so we can make polls in preparation for August. My idea is to divide it similarly than last time.

  • Marvel

  • Dc

  • Others (like image comics, darkhorse or indie stuffs)

However if you guys would like to suggest another category or idea like perhaps tv shows or animated adaptations (like invincible) or like I mentioned before webtoons, would love to read you all down bellow.

Sketches WIPs and Unfinished Stuffs:

Across the months and years I have ocasionally do silly sketches, doodles and other silly things which some are fetish releated and others are just silly stuffs with my Ocs among other stuffs, would you guys be interested I post those here? even if some are not tickling related? some are and some are just silly ideas I get to draw when I have some time off. Or would you prefer I just keep the final pics and clean sketches of the usual content to not fill the patreon with other stuffs that are not related?. Once again I hope to read you all!

Well that should be all I wanted to say for now, Really appreciate your patience and if you read all of this really thank you for that! I hope I can bring more content for you guys even with everything that's happenning. Hopefully once all things get better I can make more pieces with the same quality as the last one and in less time!

Hope you guys have a nice day and Thank you so much for your time!

Stay safe! and take care everyone! see you on the next post!


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