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Hello there!  

You all know that I have always created big sets with a lot of CC and released it in one post. 

To be honest, working on such large projects is exhausting (I'm starting to burn out because I've been working on the same task for so long). Also, the general regularity of the releasing CC suffers due to the volume of such projects.

So I came to the conclusion that I should try another version of the release of my CC.

Starting this month:

🌿 I'm release CC more often, but in smaller portions; 

🌿 All my cc's will be published after 1 month of early access;

🌿 I will also continue to create immediately free mods.

I also created my own PINTEREST page.

And I added SUGGESTIONS BOARD to which you can add pictures with examples of what you would like to see in the game in the future (don't forget to write a description to the picture so that I understand you correctly).

I really hope you enjoy the new version of the release of my custom content! I think it's better than before, because this way I will be able to regularly delight you with a new CC!

Have a good day/night and take care of yourself! I hope you guys and your family and friends are doing well ❤.



Yes, it is more healthy approach for sure. Do things slowly and in smaller doses. Remember your health is most important thing so do not rush things. We will patiently wait and be very happy with anything you give us. Stay healthy AND happy with what you do. It supposed to be fun and not torment.


Love this for you! Appreciate all you do for us


It's really a much healthier approach. Now that I've tried it, I can definitely say that. I don't feel tired and empty after posting posts, as it was before. I feel uplifted and have the strength to continue to engage in creativity. It definitely affected me in the best way.