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MP4 Animatic Link

This project focuses on Bulma (like she appears in the Super Hero movie) with Piccolo. The idea here is that they wished to enhance Bulma's posterior. So I started off with the dragon and then move into Bulma's wish being granted and her butt growing in size until ripping her pants open. I had the dragonball super movie opened up when I was working on  this and I just scrubbed around the timeline for character reference and scene setups.

I think there is a lot of clean up  that needs to happen and extra frames that need to be added to this one  as a whole. I wanna make sure her butt stays the right size throughout. I  do plan on putting more pose variety in after the 69ing portion (where the early release video ends).
Before/after Bulma character art
I hope what I have so far is enjoyed!

The reward pack for this project will include a MP4/GIF save of the animatic. 

I hope everyone is staying healthy and warm ~



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