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I wanted to touch base with you since it's been a bit and it's that time again.

I won't complain to you about my life issues. Things have been up and down as I'm sure they have been for most of you. Just know that I am making some big changes and have some nice plans for the future of my patreon. Thank you for staying onboard this long and if you're new, WELCOME! Invite your friends =] 

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well.  I'm planning to have the Bulma project released later tonight (super delayed) =[  as I still have to make sure it's got no hiccups or issues when played.  I made some extra animations to go along with it since it was delayed for a bit longer. I've got a screenshot of some progress in flash as I complete the file ~


Onto some terrible news.

I usually work on two different computers and I try to keep my work on both updated and backed up. One of my computer hard drives became faulty and I ended up having to do a clean install to fix it. The only data I lost was my most recent progress on the FF7 project and a few illustration projects. So that's going to be delayed a little longer. This was the only part to make it out unscathed.


So I do hope you enjoy this for now until I can get the rest of it back up to speed. I'll upload a SWF version of this with a clickable climax option later in the evening, if that might interest anyone.

All the projects from this month are well on their way and I'm planning to have them completed soon. I wanna get them going in the streams so you all can check em out before they're done. In the mean time here ~ 


I set a goal for myself during the month of May, I will be streaming on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays every week - privately for the $5+ patrons. (I am allowing myself three missed days) I plan to be more adamant about streaming because it will help keep me on task and focused on getting these projects completed. (That means tomorrow there will be a stream!) I want this to be a full time thing, so I need to make sure I'm meeting my own requirements and not setting goals or deadlines and then missing them. 

You all are amazing and important because you're helping me survive and that means a lot ~ So I want you to know your special by streaming for you and giving away some nice goodies.