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Rouge Solo Loop | Rouge Color Frame sample
I've had it in my mind to do more Rouge (in her Halloween outfit), this was one of my poses I decided to move forward on during November. I have an animation rough/color frame sample available to see the direction I'm headed in. The color frame doesn't represent the finished product so much, because I plan to change the background location to the Chao garden - evil side, like last time.

There are 8 frames currently and I'm planning to make alternates where there are varying degrees of wetness, alternating expressions and play speeds. I was a little torn going over some of the color work for the sample frame. In my last animation of Rouge I had colored her butt/thighs a tan color instead of the off-white color. I've seen some people approach it in the opposite way. Didn't know how you all felt about it? This isn't a big deal but it was still on my mind.

My goal for completion of this project is the last week of Nov or sooner. As I mentioned in my last post I'll be spending the rest of tonight/and the next few days catching up on my artwork packs and the Boosette animation. 



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