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Spookyday is approaching and I wanted to time these out so they'd be completed by the end of October.
Animation Rough | Climax Alt Sketch

The first color loop I'll be working on is of Loona, from hazbinhotel. I've got a start to the animation linked above with the climax alt sketch. The overall idea is pretty simple right now but I'd like to experiment with a few different expressions and backgrounds. There are tweaks that need to be done to the movement of the hips/buttcheeks. It could use a few more frames too. It's in the rough stage currently though so I feel like all of it needs work lol. I colored a part of one frame for the banner. It might not reflect the final result.

This will be completed in full color, aiming for around 8 frames and I'll paint up a background. Right now the sketch has a striped wallpaper and a couch. My goal for next week is to have this ready for the linework stage.

I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe!




Looooooonaaaa uwu